
Monday, July 4, 2011

Emergency Only

What a superb morning after surviving yet another worst case of diarrhea in my life crazy weekend with the bros!

I won't spoil today's comic by mentioning what it is about so read on...

What an asshole.
To make things more awkward than it already is,

I hate him so much.

Just in case you wonder how the hell did Jon get in; toilet doors nowadays have an unlocking mechanism from the outside (which you could simply use a coin to open locked toilet doors). That function is for emergency purposes only but Jon used it to his fullest advantage.

In his defense, it was HIS emergency.

Goddamnit, Jon.


  1. Hahahaha, u never fail to make me laugh XD
    Can't imagine it stinks when bathing~

  2. Why does Jon always end up in a shitty situation?

  3. lol thanks kelvin:) its not me thats funny. its my bros. i have no idea how they can behave this insane.

  4. @Tha: lol cos he always got shitty jokes

  5. install another lock mechanism.. the door latch! :P

  6. awkward max... u guys make me laugh in the morning :)

  7. hahahaha! this is damn funny la. next time go fix extra locks in the toilet. XD

  8. @pouleen: yes. habis my image. T.T
    @ken: haha dowan la! door latches look horrible!
    @green tea: lol yes it was awkward! its good to laugh in the morning, no?
    @felicia: yahaha thanks! ask jon to pay la. im not paying to put in extra locks! btw, I DIDNT KNOW U BLOG?!

  9. You should be happy it wasn't Daryl! XD
    Y, got 1 toilet only? lololol...

    I wish I have a housemate as crazy as you guys!

  10. love this one! somehow it relates to my life a bit! lol

  11. ayooo...very disgusting la...and funny too~!!hahahaha...

  12. I wonder why Ernest was so scared and angry.

    Jon, did you get to smell something funny? U know, something that smells like... bleach? XD lolz.

  13. @sumbuddy: wow u poasted twice before i got chance to reply LOL! nah daryl wouldnt do such a thing. but pls dont give him ideas. note that in the third frame i said "use the other toilet" but jon doesnt want. we have bout 3 toilets in the house but jon likes this one. fyi, i wasnt jerking off in the shower XD
    @wendy: haha! u serious? ur housemates do this to u too????
    @ameh: disgusting i know lol! but what to do jon cannot tahan d... better in the toilet than in his pants
    @utarboy: damn epic! dono how my next one gonna top this! die la me

  14. lol. if i were the bathing-guy ill just got out of the bathroom. haha

  15. @aian: lol... the thing is he is blocking the way. if i move across him he will smack my butt...

  16. nice butt ;P

  17. @sydney: lol thanks for noticing my cartoon butt altho it is censored :P visited u back!

  18. OMG, awkwarddddddddd @.@

    Did you continue showering under Jon's watchful eyes (I imagine)? xD

  19. @liz: i wish i could walk out the bathroom but the towel was far away and i didnt want him to see my dick or smack my ass. so yes. i continued showering with my butt facing him T.T

  20. Oh my, what a position to be in! My condolences!!! @.@ haha

  21. @liz: it was super awkward the whole way. each time i wanted to clean my *down there* jon will go "hey! stop playing with urself!" FML couldnt even shower in peace.

  22. u r the laughter that i really wanted when i'm sad n malas! :D
