
Monday, August 15, 2011

Do Not Do These Unless You Wish To Fail Your Exams

Good Monday morning! I had the longest weekend ever and I thought it will never end. (no, I did not had fun if that's what you are thinking.)

So it came to my attention that we are now in the last quarter of the year and many of my readers are going to have their MAJOR exams soon and I'm sure many of you are already preparing to brace the full force and impact of you respective exams. I wish those having their exams all the best and here are some tips from the bros:

Do not do these unless you wish to fail your exams.

We were so screwed.
Moral of the day is: Always start preparing early! (Okay, maybe the bros aren't the best role models to be telling you guys that but hey, don't be like us.)

Good luck to those having their exams soon!

Have a great week ahead! :D


  1. epic la wei haha ! i didnt know jamus plays dota . must go ajak him weih ..

  2. your way has been quite effective for me LOL. I ALWAYS do that. Study last minute, the night before the exams, coupled with a few Red Bulls and I'm all set and ready to kick the paper's ass....

  3. I do use your method too.haha,the only difference is I study last minute,not super last minute!

  4. i love last minute studies :P

  5. showing through example! of what not to do lols...mine is the combo of jamus, shamus and ernest ^^

  6. Please bro, don be like jon bro..mati la kena repeat sem..haha

  7. Walao~I'm also distracted with DOTA..even in study week..hohoh nice memory

  8. I iz daryl. lolz... >.< so over confident but fashionably failed in the end. XD

  9. suka study last minute. kita geng=.=

  10. looks like i am all of you bros! XD hahaha! Always happened in the end :p.

  11. @sanjay: haha drop him a msg in fb and see if he responds! let me know how it turns out!
    @miea: ur results are great even tho u study last minute? wow! respect!
    @syun: yeah... super last minute is super sucks. dam stress only lol!
    @ken: i think almost everyone here is like that haha
    @glo-w: haha lucky not including jon! that would be disastrous!!
    @sharkox: LOL betul tu bro! dont be like jon. cari nahas.
    @hilmi: LOL dota frequency tends to increase when exams draw nearer!
    @sumbuddy: finally someone on the same boat as daryl! he was already beginning to feel lonely lol
    @fina: yeah! high five!!!
    apparently nobody here is like jon. haha

  12. @ladyviral: whoops! sorry didnt see utr reply there! sorry! you are all?!! OMG! you are the most epic ever!

  13. jon is funneh ~ mostly forgot I will forgot my exam but still pass my test muahahah xD

  14. the equation for my style:

    (ernest's + daryl's) study = madwitch

    nice post!

  15. for jon the lecturer should be saying "hows the test/exam yesterday? is it tough?"
    happen to me once. dumbfounded.

  16. OMG, nice timing!! :D I'm sitting for trials tomorrow and I'm still on the net. :X You just listed out the three things that I always do. X) Distracted by things, procrastinate, and study at the very last minute. XD

  17. i like daryl's line the most.. "I clever boy." *pukes*

  18. Going to share this to my friends, lol. They're having exams soon! Good one!

  19. the best thing in student life = last minute studies. hehe

  20. hahahaha jon really blur until got exam oso dunno ?! n ernest... i think most of the ppl do that haha XD

  21. @rascat: wahhh how you can pass? you dam geng lor... if me sure fail one!
    @madwitch: LOL let me guess, you over confident at first then last minute kelam kabut rite? LOL
    @ibrahim: haha finally jon has someone like him! but did you pass?
    @hui ee: i know now exam season ma! all the best k hui ee? dont be like the bros LOL
    @amanda: but he memang clever boy le
    @pouleen: haha! awesome! tell them i wish them all the best in their exams!
    @meck: yeah! also the most stressful!
    @greenie: yalor i think my method everyone confirm guilty of it. but hope not as super last minute as me LOL! eh some ppl can blur till forget their exam dates ler haha

  22. haha! Well, technically it happened a few times to me before :p. eh...

  23. i mean the jon one haha... the rest? ha... 99% of it >.<

  24. Hehe. Thanks! I already am like the bros. :D

  25. Put your notes under the pillow, work very well for me!

  26. I always study last minute. 96% is a bit too much~ lols. But I do have a friend worst then Jon - He overslept and missed the test altogether. Lols

  27. @ladyviral: haha but im curious.. did you pass??
    @hui ee: try not to be laa... good luck in ur exams k? haha
    @parkair: how does that work? it makes no sense! i know cos i tried it before.... lol
    @nana: LOL non of us overslept and missed our exams before. that one memang cari nahas!

  28. damn, that's why I fail my exam everytime. I've been doing these all the time.

  29. @benooi: haha that means you are DEFINITELY a bro!

  30. overly confident and forgot got exams...i like that..LOL...

  31. Mine is more of the combination of all the 4 of you...
    First Daryl > Shamus > Jamus > Ernest.
    Never Jon though. Haha... Thats too much. Haha.

  32. lol...I was Ernest and Shamus..especially when it comes studying for Math and History XD but I managed to get cukup makan grades for both in SPM...

  33. Im like Jamus,Shamus,Ernest and Jon only.Sometimes I'm like Daryl.
