
Monday, August 1, 2011

Out Of My League

Okay, so after continuously embarrassing my bros in colourful ways with my cartoons, I think its only fair to now tell a tale about one of mine. (Though I think it may not be as epic as the others because I am not crazy like them.)

This situation has happened to me countless times. This was one of the worst of how it happened.

Just what the heck was I thinking?

You may think that after a situation like this I have never done anything like that ever again.

Sometimes I never learn. I still do that from time to time.

Don't ask me why.

*Also, Selamat Berpuasa to all my Muslim readers!*


  1. it is like someone waving at your direction... you like *smile, wave and trying very hard to recall who the person is* to only realized the person is actually waving to the person behind you. hahaha!

  2. The link if you want to post the preview video...

  3. This situation happens to me a lot too!Especially when a stranger is smiling or waving in my direction!But the lady was kinda mean in the last frame..

  4. it's nice to check out the hot girls.. :P

  5. i wouldn't know where to hide my face after that >.<

  6. Everyone has fell into this trap at least don't worry your saham still ok lol

  7. -_-" Mind you, being a tutor that is *super-friendly* with your students will mostly likely give a bigger chance of making you a 'perasan famous punya orang'.

    I give up responding to students' waving *in my general direction* at campus because almost 75% of the time, they are actually waving to their friend.

    Damn, no wonder back then when I study, lecturers generally don't respond to you waving.

  8. @ladyviral: i know right!!! i dono why i always have to raise my hand and say hi! so malu!!
    @dimi: thanks bro! will upload the teaser on your page soon! approve me first! lol
    @syun: thank god im not alone on this! yeah she was kinda mean esp when i can hear what she said.
    @ken: bro, i agree wit you bro! its healthy!
    @madwitch: i feel like wanting to melt into the floor and cease to exist after that haha XD
    @hilmi: serious? at least its not as bad when i forgot to zip my pants!!!
    @sumbuddy: haha! interesting! i shall learn from you. never simply wave hi at people unless its confirmed that they are waving at you!
    @sharkox: sudah jatuh rendah gila oooooo....

  9. your index composite will rising up tomorrow.make sure u say hye to ahso-ahso first!~ juz wat i saw in horoskop!~XD

  10. hahhaha... but she is too over oso la...if happen to me i will laugh lol!

  11. @cik bucken: haha serious ah? thank god! i tot my saham will continue to jatuh! ok will say hi to all the ahso-ahso i see! haha
    @greenie: i wanted to. but i too stunned d. T_T

  12. worries. You were just being....responsive ^^btw GAY? LOLS!

  13. @glo-w: haha yeah maybe responsive la :P eh...ahso not mean auntie meh?

  14. @jiashin: hi jiashin! thanks for dropping by! glad it made u laugh:)

  15. thats why i never smile back to stranger, no matter how pretty she is!

  16. @parkair: i agree with you! .... but i cant help it to say hi T.T

  17. Alamakkkk. Nevermind. One of these days, you're gonna hit the jackpot--she's gonna be talking to you, and you definitely wanna say Hi! back!!! xD

  18. @liz: lol thanks liz! thats very encouraging:)

  19. hahaha...habis jatuh saham kan Ernest..ingat nak cakap ngan ernest tapi cakap ngan orang kat henpon lak LOOL

  20. Saw the shops name and its GAY!!
