
Monday, September 19, 2011

SPECIAL: The Bros Meet Pouleen

Good Monday everyone! Hope you folks had a relaxing and enjoyable long weekend from the Malaysia Day holidays! I didn't. F*ck the traffic jam! Why does everyone decide to come to my hometown whenever there's a holiday?!

So, it looks like we're not done with the collaborations! (It's a collab month for this comic series in case you haven't noticed yet.) This week we are visited by Pouleen (a.k.a. Pauline) from the world's longest name for a blog..... *inhales*!


I took the chance to ask her out for some coffee and this was how my encounter with this petite and lovely lass turned out! (Lass. Not ass. No. There are no asses involved in today's strip, you pervert.)

Freaking cock-blockers.
My date with the lovely Pouleen was officially ruined after that.

Note to self: Never invite a lady friend to where your bros usually hang out.

So, Pouleen's comic blog about the trials and tribulations that are faced on a daily basis by members of the fairer sex. (That means females, you chauvinists)

Do check her out! At... *inhales*!


  1. first! ehehhe~ second collab with Pouleen right? I like reading her comics too! hehe :)

  2. i got chance or not ? why no intro???

  3. Are you all really THAT desperate? you guys always make me laugh la!

  4. I read her blog!
    n her comic is cute n sometimes funny too!

  5. Bro, dun like that la bro, intro la bro, intro la... XD i was hoping this line to come out..haha

  6. pauleeen ~~ is taller then you !! XD hehe wish to have chance to see her in person too~ :D

  7. LoL.. yeah Bro,U really shudnot hang out with a girl at the BROS places.. Hahaha.. damn..

  8. @nana: haha yeah second collab:) the first one was quite random and not planned at all. this was nicely planned and drawn together! her comic is so cute!
    @ken: kantoi bro! damnnnnnnnnn.... i haz a regret
    @utarboy: pouleen is mine! no intro to you! shoo! dont kacau XP
    @hilmi: T_T we so desperate meh... i think the bros just cockblocking me lorrr.. glad our retardedness can make you laugh!
    @una: yeah! i bet her stories apply a lot to ladies out there!
    @eric: haha.. if wanna cockblock cannot be nice nice.. they hantam only
    @rascat: Nooooo!! i am taller than her!!!! T_T
    @aki: i know! dam wasted. after that they joined my table. hancur my program that day.

  9. hold on, player. You already have a girlfriend, aren't you?!

    =.= don't like that la bro, bagi chance kat bro lain la jugak.

  10. @sumbuddy: woi! dont cockblock me here also can or not...
    @shamus: haha blah lah woi!

  11. haha! looks like the bros at it again!

    what was pauleen's reaction? :p

  12. @ladyiral: yep. always at it. pouleen asked them to join us. so, there goes my date :\

  13. Make a second date then. :p
