
Monday, October 31, 2011

Good Luck, Bad Luck part 2

Hey guys! I am back from my northern trip. Where its rain rain rain and flood flood flood. all day long! Brilliant! I guess we can resume with the usual business.

Monday blues. That dreaded asshole day that nobody likes.

Anyways, I'm feeling rather blue due to two things:
1.) I came home from my trip and finding that one of my precious 'babies' is broken and I am doing all in my power to fix her. But the fact of knowing that she is 'broken' makes me sad.
2.) I missed all the awesome Halloween parties out there. Also I forgot to make one poster for it. It would have been so awesome.
And most importantly...
3.) I TOTALLY forgot that whilst I was away without easy access to the Internet, Deepavali came and gone just like that and due to my absent mindedness, I forgot to come up with a festive poster for one of the most important celebrations in Malaysia. I'm really sorry and I wish a belated Happy Deepavali to all! I know this doesn't fix anything and I didn't mean to insinuate myself as being a racist f***. Perhaps I should have been more prepared before leaving for my trip. Sorry once again.

Anyways, here is today's comic and to anyone who is having a bad day, I hope this cheers you up!

Turns out we have a second part to Jon's good luck, bad luck adventure!

We got trolled by the gambling devil under the table. 
Yep, I know it's another story of money bet, money lost. This is why we are poor.

If only it was Black 11, we could have won $250 x 25 = $6250!! OMGWTFBBQWWJD!

Well, at least I think it's 25 to 1. That's just my estimate. What do I know? I don't run a casino.

Luckily, we still had money for the taxi after that.

Do watch out for awesome news in the next few days! It will be announced on the comic's official Facebook page!


  1. LOL~ mean he cant bet~ U should bet for it ba~

  2. Waa!So unlucky!Next time he should bet with smaller amount of money.There is always a risk in betting no matter how confident you get!

  3. Why bet all money? so tamak one!! ahaha. But yeah, usually if you get it right the 1st time and 2nd time, the third one won't. dunno why~ U should've tried a few more times first, before putting your bets. hehe.

  4. Welcome back bro!

    Next time, ask Jon to guess but don't him bet and others bet instead..might work like a charm.haha

    and wish your "baby" a speedy recovery whatever it is..haha

  5. Thank you for this post.

    Jon should stop betting/gambling dan sekutu sekutu dengannya. If he didn't bet, though he is not any richer but at least he won't be

  6. Welcome back! We missed you.. Jon has really got a** luck.. Ask him to give me number i buy..

  7. will be waiting for your awesome news! >_<

  8. itu la... you want to save the heart ache? Don't bet. habis cerita. You have just made the casino owner richer without lifting a finger... in the end you all lose.

  9. ha ha ha.. poor jon.. wey,I never good in gambling,but I never lost.. ha ha ha.. Yup,it's 25 to 1 for exact number.. ^_^.v..

  10. @anonymous: lol but if i bet sure tak kena also la... i also got no luck in betting
    @syun: yalo... shudnt have gotten so confident. poor jon T.T
    @nana: but he was on a hot streak! you cant let it get cold! but we didnt expect it'd get cold after 2 guesses. :(
    @eric: thanks bro! but the luck isnt the same if someone else bets. isnt that the gambler's logic? 'baby' is going hospital today:(
    @shirley: haha you are right. sigh... why does money cloud us so much...
    @lala: lol thanks! i miss you guys too! yep. ass luck is the word for jon. he cannot catch a break. next time i ask him give you number. if kena must 50-50 haha:P
    @eido: omg.. how did you know? u r a jeeniuz!
    @eggyolks: awesome news is on the facebook page! go check it out :D
    @sumbuddy: bro, we were in the moment. when that happens, its a little hard to control. lol
    @aki: 25 to 1? i knew it! jon keeps insisting its 35 to 1!
    @邁爾斯 阿波羅: lol dont feel sad. you shud laugh at our stupidity instead. this comic got moral one haha

  11. Oh my! What a lucky guess...

    Congratz for featured Nuffnang blogger of the month!^^
    The photo u post - Daryl is wearing the exact t-shirt as in the comic. Hahaha.

  12. @diana: haha yeap. so damned lucky. not so much for the third guess. thanks so much for the wishes! notice that shamus also was wearing his orange shirt. lol

  13. anyone can have the talent to draw comics but it takes a person with real talent and humour to draw comics that is really funny!

    great job on this bro and congrats on making the featured blogger of the month! :D


  14. coz when he bet he dint win~ so u bet when he tell ya the number~

  15. @monde: lol thanks! but among all five bros, who do you think is the cutest? :P (everyone usually says its daryl or jon. i jealous)
    @tehtarik: aww thanks bro! thats a really awesome thing to say! im glad i made it funny. at times i worry it might get lame. Thanks for the well wishes bro! :)
    @anonymous: lol! but what if i bet also didnt win? means jon can guess but cannot put money :P

  16. oi Ernest, trying to fish @monde to puji you ke? lols~

  17. Hahaha the luck is cruel for leaving you guys that way.
