
Thursday, December 22, 2011


Hey guys! So sorry for the super late than usual posting today! My computer crashed and suffered a fatal error that I had to restart drawing today's comic from scratch. Anyhow, I managed to get it done all over again after several hours. Hope the wait is worth it.

Today's topic is about a rather common incident which has happened so many times to our dearest Jon. Bless his heart. Do let me know if this also has happened to you or to someone else you know so that he does not feel that bad.

We have never seen Jon run so fast before in our entire lives. Other than that one other time when he was chased by a dog.

This was actually one of the many similar incidences that has happened to Jon but miraculously and luckily for him, his laptop was never missing and always seem to be in the same spot seemingly waiting for him. Despite how forgetful he is, he has never lost his laptop this way before. We don't know how he does it. Seriously.

Just in case you are a little confused by the third panel, "The crocodile hides in the wadaaa~" is just one of the random sh*t that Jon says from time to time. I still don't know what it exactly means but I laugh anyways. Shamus seems to really get it.

Anyways, Christmas is coming this weekend! Holiday cheers aplenty and I hope you guys are ready for the impending holidays!

Have a merry weekend everyone!


  1. I would wail like a mad if my laptop lost!

  2. ahaha
    cool moment =P
    how about a story on jon being chased by the dog too? =P

  3. because if anyone steal it there will be a ghost haunting them muahahahaha *evil laugh*

  4. Saya pernah tertinggal handphone..dan lega...sebab benda tu tak diambil orang...sebab letak dalam kain XD

  5. Tell Jon, he might be so lucky every time. Ask him to be more careful =P

  6. Hahaha his laptop bag must have looked fugly XD

  7. soooooo lucky! happened to me, once, with my purse, everything gone ='( i was all "take the money enough la y must take the rest"

  8. hahaha maybe this is his Xmas gift :P

  9. Waaaahhhh!! Me and Jon must have some connection or something. Lol~ I'm such a klutz and totally absent minded as well. And always forget things (and also where I put them). Wallet, laptop, watch, bag... you name it. My mom always say "nasib baik badan tak boleh tinggal, kalau tak, tu pun tinggal..." I believe she is so right about that~ huhu...

  10. haha reminds me of my coursemates who actually forgot his motorcycle altogether...went to faculty with bike, and go back by bus...upon reaching hostel only he remembered he took a bike so he end up going all the way back there

  11. have to be careful next time then :)

  12. @anonymous: definitely a cool moment haha! a story of jon and the dogs? haha need to figure out how to make it into a 6 framed story 1st :)
    @raznul: haha whose ghost will haunt the thief?
    @amin aizuddin: Lol nasib baik bro! tapi asal bleh ada kat dlm kain plak?
    @simon: yeah... he's been doing this quite often. worse, its always by accident!
    @glo-w: oh no! hope you are more careful now!
    @nana: so I assume you have lost a lot of things before? tsk tsk lol
    @eric: haha but was his motorcycle still there the next day?

  13. "The crocodile hides in the wadaaa~" lmao. what kind of joke is that? Oh well, his randomness is funny nevertheless.

    I lost my favourite blazer in one of our Dewan Kuliah... It feels like I lost my identity. Been wearing that everyday since I started working.

  14. moral of the story,before u leave ur table,check first..takot2 t'tinggal brg...lucky Jon~

  15. I lost my bag in the university once.Along with everything in it!Still don't know who stole it >.<
    Happy for Jon that he got back his laptop =)

  16. HAHAHAH! that's so lucky! My phone few times left n its gone forever. T.T

  17. I totally get Jon.. I am one of those ppl who is always missing things and always get it back.. left my wallet a couple of times and my phine too. always a good samaritan returned it to me.i am so lucky!!!

  18. once i left my phone in a restaurant and went out to meet my friend and when i came back about 5 minutes later, its gone. loved that phone damn much.. still cursing the thief that took it..

  19. Wish im tat lucky.. Im always losing my wallet and handphone..

  20. The crocodile hides in the wadaaaaa, it's gonna be the next top tagline! Trust me!

  21. Mine is even more lucky. I left my full set of DSLR in my bag and left it in a foodcourt.. then come back home which is 30mins away..only to realize OMFG i left my bag. Then speed back the food court thank god the lady was very good help me to keep the bag in her counter. Phew....

  22. Walai eh if only this happened to me for my camera. unfortunately lost that good old canon :(((

  23. Super lucky weiiiiii~ :P haha~ Oh well, at least "the crocodiles hide in the wadaaaa~" xD (Gorsh, I'm gonna be quoting this for a longgggg time!)

  24. ei, sometimes it happens to me too =X

  25. bro mcm mana? laptop tu dpt x? ke dah kena bedal?
