
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Story Telling

Hey everyone!

Lately, I have been really swamped with a lot of other projects and most of my time are unfortunately not used to be drawing my comics but I am honestly trying to keep up with the promised postings of my comics on Mondays and Thursdays. This week has been really rough but I managed to cough up a strip for today. It's a rushed work and I don't know if its up to my usual standards. If it is, I thank you whole heartedly but if it isnt, do bear with me just for today and I promise my next strips will resume its usual comedic quality.

In today's comic, I revisit an old joke that I used to tell my friends and since Jon has a bad memory, I'm sure he doesn't remember this old school joke.

Will he find it funny?

I bet most of us didn't see this coming those days.
Almost immediately later...
Who is being tied to the pillar now? You or me?

It's a lame and juvenile joke at this period of time but it sure gives me the kick of getting back at the bros once in awhile.

Though I usually still get my ass kicked and lose in the end all the same.

Have a great weekend guys!


  1. You should do this on daryl instead. Lulz... at least he's not as tough as jon.

  2. Hahaha hilarious! XD Thanks for brighten up my dull morning

  3. ha ha ha.. tell this on jamus and maybe u r safe.. err, which one is it, jamus or shamus.. o yeah.. jamus.. confirmed..

  4. haha old skool jokes but never get lame :DDD

  5. haha i remember this back in the old days! :D good memories hehe

  6. wah i wish i can do that to someone i hate and slap that someone right in the face!! LOL

  7. hahaha I heard of this before...tied to the pillar? like not harsh enough

    Now I'm gonna ask u back the same question you asked me last Saturday meet-up... GOT SO BUSY MEH? haha

  8. back on those days, usually, if I am put this joke into practise, most likely i got butt kicked.. kih kih kih

  9. Haha..ini lawak zaman sekolah... boleh masuk 9gag ni..haha

  10. Ahaha, when I read the first story I already knew what was coming! Smiled to myself like a Crazy! xD haha Jon merajuk weiiiii~ :P

  11. haha, yeah, used to be one of the teller, and i get their badwords.

  12. Luckily Jon didn't throw you into the wadaa~ where crocodiles hide xD

  13. If role terbalik then i think ernest will be stunned for a long time...XD

  14. I have this version of joke too! but i don't use aggression like u did. But yeah, it still ended with "who's telling the story? u or me?" but my version is "suke hati aku lah, aku yang cerita!" And my story consist of the husband buying milk and the wife buying something else. lols~

  15. ahahahaha omg i remember this joke! awesomeness but yeah i guess the pillar works much better xD

    i think if you tell this to Jamus, he'll be the one slapping you somewhere around the 4th frame. right?

  16. hahaha really funny! i should try it on someone, see the reaction but honestly, i won't slap her hard,maybe just a pat.
