
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crocodile Suit

Good morning everyone! How is your week so far? No worries. Weekend couldn't come sooner!

With such excitement looming over due to the upcoming weekend, I have nothing interesting to say. So, let's hope the comic makes up for it. (Not that most of you read this intro part part anyway because you'll just read the comic and ignore the rest)

Comic is a little bit twisted this time. Now you get to see the slightly demented side of me.

Or Jon rather.

He will always, and forever be, in a crocodile suit.
After second thoughts, Jon decided that was the most awesome dream he ever had. Oh, how much he wishes to be a full time crocodile.

Jon has even more messed up dreams than this. No. It will never be in the comics as it is too disturbing and I will never ever be able to relay it into a cartoon form. You would have to ask him about it yourself. Here is a good place to start.

That is IF he wishes to tell you. Big 'if'.

Have a great weekend!

Don't go hiding in the wadaa now.


  1. full time buaya darat....hehehehehehe

  2. eh..isn't this similar to a post in 9gag? lol

  3. BUAYAAAA~ imagine if that crocodile spits out his head....that would be uber scary!

  4. haha! so cutee that the crocodile spit the head out! =P

  5. perhaps he should try lucid dreaming! then his dreams can be reality xD

  6. eh? i read the intros wan lor. =.="

  7. yalo why la so 9gag style 1 hahahah

  8. He really has a crocodile suit? If so, then jon is really an epitome of randomness....

  9. he should work at the zoo, and teach others buaya to make joke.

  10. saw a post like this on 9gag. lol. Jon n his crocodile that hides in the wadaa....

  11. btw, saw this on 9gag trending.

    1. Was just gonna come here and paste that! Made me think of this comic strip xD

  12. I had a dream today which a person head came off just like ...that cocodie ~ XD

  13. Don't worry, I won't hide in the wadaa xD Btw, look at poor Mocha (in the last frame)! @.@
