
Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Hey Monday everybody!

I'm not going to mention anything about the blues today. Doing it week in week out is predictable, sickening and depressing.

Anyways, yesterday was Father's Day. I hope everyone had the best quality time with your dads yesterday and yes, an obligatory Father's Day related comic is here for you today and even though this is my second year of doing such a comic I am seriously running out of ideas for Father's Day related stuff. Nevertheless, I now have 365 days to figure out the next one.

Ever remember when you were still a kid you do the stupidest things thinking it was the coolest thing to do ever and now you are 25 years old and thinking back you realised how stupid you were? And during those times, you get caught by your dad doing those stupid things and you had to face the consequences?  Yes. I'm talking about getting punished by our dads. .

Here's a comic about how we get punished by our dads during the days.

Thanks dads but Daryl is somehow unpunishable.
Translation for 3rd frame:

When we were kids, we hate punishments to the burning depths of hell but now if you have grown up, you would realise that those punishments made us who we are today. If you are a good person, you definitely were taught well and if you are an asshole, well, that's just you being the f*cked up child you are.

I'm glad our dads did what they had to do to keep us in line for I have no idea how they hell we would have turned out if it weren't for them. Thanks to all the dads in the world for making sure we don't grow up being the stupidest people around.

If you are still young, well, enjoy them punishments. They do you good.

How did YOUR dads punish you?

Happy Father's Day!

You are a day late.

Shut up.

Have a great week ahead!

P.S. I will be away for a week starting today because I am going to the deep seas of South China for some pirate tryouts. I heard being a pirate is a good career path. Therefore, Thursday's comic posting will be a scheduled one so no one is missing out on anything unless you are too lazy to check back on this site.

Have a great week ahead!

You said that already.

Shut yer trap, yer scurvy cur! Arr!


  1. you're not a day late. think of it as in a different time zone. :)

  2. Daryl seems to be the only one who enjoyed being punished. XD

  3. Yes... the only one unaffected by punishment. I almost have this notion that daryl has some sort of psychological disorder... an awesome disorder, nevertheless. XD

  4. Mine would be something like yours. A good ol' beating that if done nowadays will be called "abuse". Lol. back then, it's called educating your child. But like you, I am very much glad that my dad did what he did. I'm a much better person now thanks to that.

  5. I don't get any punishment... maklum la, daddy's girl, bwahahaha~

  6. My mum does all the keganasan domestik haha

  7. grandad tied me to a tree when I was 6 once, which is fair considering that I burnt down my neighbour's chicken coop. with the chickens inside.

    took him almost an hour to chase after me. epic.


  8. I get canned too.. But no effect.. :D

  9. I got all of those except get chained on a tree.ehehe
    my dad is so damn garang. I still got those eerie feelings whenever he started raising his voice.

  10. heh, my bapak dulu pernah kena macam apa yg daryl kena grandpa ikat dia dia pokok pasal nakal sangat.hahaha

  11. happy father's day to all dad in the world!!hehe..sorry i tumpang wish kt blog ni..ngeeee

  12. I get caned too! Although less frequent from dad than mum wtf, but way more painful. -_- abusive T_T I'm shuddering right now. Thank goodness I've grown up.

  13. My papa will off the fan when we refuse to wake up then on the light so that we could not take the heat n light n we got to wake up... XD

  14. Ehhhh nasib baik chained to the tree only, not chained by the neck and paraded around the kampung like a German shepherd. Malu sia.

  15. Dad will belt me or don't give me my treats (raisins) when I'm naughty..

  16. yea nowadays kids to manja..back our days..we get kick around like football...haha =D because of that we turn out AWESOME ! haha

  17. My dad never really punished me.

    I was a good girl! Practically angelic! 0:D

    But OMG, Daryl. Scary weiiii~ xD

  18. Somehow like physical abused not extreme though but most of the time grounded for life
