
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wanna Go Eat?

Hey Thursday everyone! And it is August already. Really? Time really shouldn't sneak up on us like that. What a prick.

So we are halfway through the fasting month and I have still yet to accomplish one successfully day of fasting. Seriously, I have no idea how my Muslim friends do it. It's a total killer to me each time I try. If famine ever strikes in our country, I'm sure to be the one of the early ones to die.

While we are on the subject of starvation, we Malaysians and perhaps the rest of the world always ask each other this question on a frequent basis, "Wanna go eat?", "What do you want to eat?", "Where to eat?", "Make a decision or I will start stabbing you in the face" or any other derivatives of the action of shoving food in our mouths so that we don't subject ourselves to hunger. We are all not Gandhi.

The bros, however, have an odd method to ask that question.

I actually went back to my room and did just that.
I'm pretty sure almost everyone is guilty of doing this at least once even though the person they are asking is in the same damn building.

Come on! We are only a few feet away from each other! Whatever happened to true physical communication?

The Internet really has taken over our lives.

"So, you wanna go eat?"
"Where you wanna eat?"
"Oh God, here we go again..."

Have a great weekend ahead everyone!


  1. this what happen nowadays...eventho member depan mata still wanna use technology to communicate.. SIGH*

    1. haha...dalam opis,call untuk kutuk bos...can ?

      people getting lazy with technology

  2. let go makan == haha happen also among friend while using internet together~

  3. lol. me and my sis did this :) and our rooms are just next to each other. But we don't do it on regular basis though~ lol

  4. hahaha i can and my ex roommate like that also

  5. takpe kalau once in a while. its fun what

  6. hahah, did that before last time XD

  7. And soon we all talking to each other to mobile phone despite face to face

  8. either i quietly do this or shout across the house, which sometimes seems more rude so i go for first option ^^"

  9. lol .. I will call instead of texting..

  10. hahaha... that's funny. but true story, i am guilty of whatsapp-ing ppl when they're just in front of me XP

  11. Really ?? Oh god guys. Talk face to face la... Ha ha ha.

  12. Nobody talks in the office, we just type even to people beside...gossiping has become a stealthy endeavor...and all of us stand up like drones when a makan place is decided during lunchtime XD

  13. Hahaha true true! Office is a very quiet place so everybody just type and type and type via FB or MSN...
    Plus, you can pretend you're working ma XD

  14. hahaha! damn true...but I just use this stupid ways when I actually going to tell some secret...perhaps asking something that people shouldn't know ! what a nice way to pretend you are actually DOING YOUR WORK AT OFFICE !! :)

  15. true true true.. sometimes when you had that urge to mengumpat someone in the group, you just pull out your phone and BBM-ing eventhough your friend sitting just in front of you.. XD

    1. My friend and I did this everytime when we are in front of our boss haha!

  16. very true LOL. I always do that with my sister. :X

  17. Ha ha ha.. Just because my friends very the malas want to go to the living room, he post it to my friends wall.. Mine, asking people to cook using em too.. Ngahaha..

    1. and Jon was like.. urghh.. Bro, go back to your room and reply it.. :D

  18. I know, I msn with my sis even though she's in the room and I'm outside at the living hall. Haha.
    Well, 1 reason is, I quarrel less with her that way.xD

  19. My sis and I do this ALWAYS~ it's shooooo fun! ><

  20. Ahaha, nope. Not that bad. Yet. @.@
    But I hate the "Hey what/where we gonna eat?" game. Everybody always says, "Anything lar, you decide." "No, you decide lar." "No, YOU decide."

  21. In office also use communicator to talk to each other even though just seats away. :P

  22. sekarang ni kalau boleh semuanya nak Facebook. Sehari tak on facebook, tak boleh

  23. yes.i did that when i was a student and i still do this when i'm working.but there's a good thing about this!i found it useful when one of my friend doing some "masking" and she don't want others to kacau her coz she's afraid of having wrinkles if we kacau her.

  24. Yah yah my sis will sms me tho she's just next door
