
Thursday, October 25, 2012

SUPERPLUG: RICOH Comic Contest "Make A Change in 100 Minutes"

Hey its Thursday! And if you are Malaysian, REJOICE! It's a public holiday tomorrow! Hello long weekend! If you don't have a holiday tomorrow, well, hey Thursday.

Recently a crisis hit the bros household. We were in for some serious trouble.

Yes. We are actually quite poor.
So, there is a comic contest organised by RICOH Malaysia where all you have to do is draw a minimum of a 10 panel comic with the the title "Make A Change in 100 Minutes."

Notice how it relates to their tagline? So clever.
The reason why I draw comics is because I love reading them and I love seeing works put out by others. It is always a great form of expression and sharing experience via comics. But even better if someone is going to give you a huge prize money and all you have to do is to just draw a comic! That's why when I came across this contest, I had to give a plug to it. You don't see many companies organizing comic contests like this nowadays. Either that or I have been sadly ignorant and misinformed all my life.

Join this contest! That's only because the prizes are amazing! And we love money!

Till today, no one has ever paid me that much for a comic. This is way too generous.
Even some regular jobs don't pay you that much. I'm talking about the grand prize.

So, in order to make sure that my bros and I don't become homeless idiots, it is quite obvious of what I am about to do.

I am joining the contest.
While Shamus continues to watch TV.

Make a change, bro. Get a job.

Everyone else, do join and may you win the second prize! I say second because I want to win the grand prize. Hopefully. But that's a long shot. That still doesn't change the fact that may you win the second prize.

For more contest details, check it out HERE.

Have a great LONG WEEKEND ahead!

I am going on a holiday!


UPDATE: Submission for comic entries are now over. Voting phase is now live! I submitted an entry so do head on there and help VOTE FOR ME! My entry is under the name "Ernest Ng Thye Sern". Thank you so much!

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