
Monday, December 10, 2012

2 Girls 1 Cup

Hello Monday is here once again to throw cold water on you! If you are studying or on a holiday on you now, that cold water does not apply to you and I am jealous.

Many years back, there was this viral video on the Internet called "2 Girls 1 Cup". If you never heard of it, firstly, I am surprised but at the same time I would advice you that now is NOT a good time to Google it. It is NEVER a good time to Google it. But who am I to say that as till today, I have never watched that video. At all. Everyone else who have heard of this video might have watched it at some point after its wretched birth but not me. Not even once.

But Jon is going to try and change that.

He is one persistent pain in the ass.
He dogged me around for almost an entire day until he got bored and bothered Mocha instead. Hopefully not with the video. I'm not sure if that poor pup can take that psychological trauma.

Still, I'm pretty sure Jon is going to ask me that question again.

"Bro, you watched '2 Girls 1 Cup' before?"
"No. Go away."

Have a great week ahead!

P.S. I won the second placing at the recent RICOH comic contest! The win was tough and unexpected and thank goodness it wasn't a consolation prize. Thanks to everyone who voted for me! Could not have done it without your undying support. It is things like this that becomes my fuel to keep on drawing for you guys. Thank you all so much! Love all of you! May awesome things always happen to you guys!


  1. i heard it is so disgusting, you will be traumatized for a lifetime. :D

    1. so i have heard. that is why i never watched it till today

  2. I think I've heard of it before, but never did watch it either. don't feel like want to watch it.

    oh.. congratulation!! you've won!!

    1. haha lets be those rare few ones who havent watched it yet. and thank you so much!

  3. I think I've watched it some time

    To get away from the phobia/traumatic experience, jz imagine it as chocolate icecream...hahaha

    btw, congrats on the 2nd prize... at least it's not a consolation :p

    1. i think after i watch it i wont be able to eat chocolate ice cream anymore haha
      yeah haha thanks! no consolation at least XD

  4. shoot... I never know what it is until i Google it..
    GROSS man....

  5. hahah, sometimes I got force people watch something or listen song, similarity with JON *proud*

  6. Just say yes and punch him in the face, sure won't kacau you again!

  7. You should've said that you've watched it. Don't tell me you've never tell a lie.

    1. haha he wont believe me. besides, bros dont lie to each other.

  8. I've never heard of it. And no, I'm not gonna you tube it - yet. (I'm still at the office :p)

    1. please dont. you will suffer irrepairable trauma.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. actually, got equally disturbing vids online. just go to wikipedia n you'll find more. and be warned, you'll be mindf***ed!!!!

  11. LOL. He's trying to get you into another dimension huh.

  12. Congrats on the win! :D

    But now you make me curious. Should I, or should I not watch that video? (Never heard of it, never watched it. No expectations. Dunno if that's good or bad :/)

    1. thank you.
      seriously, i highly recommend you to NOT watch the video.

  13. Oh, AHAHHAA, I found this "2 girls 1 cup" instead! xD

  14. Eleh Ernest tipu2. I know you watch the video when all the bros are already asleep hihi

  15. I;d never heard it before. oops
