
Monday, January 28, 2013

New Friend Request

Snap. I thought it is still Sunday. Little did I know Monday has crept up behind me and smacked me in the head so hard that I passed out till 11pm and when I woke up I realised that little bugger had stolen my wallet.

There is no such thing.

Hey happy Mondays everyone! Sorry for the late posting as I had thought it is Sunday still as today most Malaysians are on yet another public holiday. If you are at work or at school now, well, happy Mondays. At least your blues will be over by the end of the day and those on holiday today will have their blues starting tomorrow.

Anyway, here is a comic and it is something that I occasionally come across on our dear social media, Facebook which I really seem to hate. Random friend requests.

Shamus will demonstrate how it is a problem to a lot a people.

Anyone faced this bullshit before?
Yep. These sort of random people on Facebook are full of shit. They add you and then lay the coup de grace by never acknowledging it and make it seem that you were the one who added them in the first place.

If you are that kind of person and reading this right now, I hope that one day all of you collide with each other and die because seriously I have no idea why do you have to go out of your way to make yourself look like you are some hot shit.

But on the other hand, if you are that kind of person and reading this right now and don't wish to be hated, stop this nonsense and hopefully everyone (including your parents) will love you more after that.

Ok wow. That was kinda dark even from me. I need to change topic.

I had fries for dinner last night.

Have a great week ahead!


  1. Haha, lesson learnt. Don't simple add "Hot Chicks". xD

  2. sometimes it happen on msn too :( add me and asking the dumb question lol.

  3. Ahhaha. "I thought you added me first..." kinda shit. Grrr.

  4. I got this friends accept thing the other day but I never add ppl at all. weird...

  5. lagi bagus punya. after adding they go post on your wall, 'hey thanks for the add.' !!! learned some good lessons. facebook's right for one thing. 'only approve people you really know.'


  7. adui I paling geram this people!!!!

  8. i rarely add anyone whom i don't recognize.

  9. lol.. faced this too before... haha~

  10. I have 1000+ friends currently on my fb, however i only knew 30 of them in real life.
    true story.

  11. HAHA I will never approve any "pretty girls" that sent me friend request if I do not know them. Chances are they are either guys or attention seeking wh*res

  12. I never add anyone I don't know. Heck, I periodically go through my friends' list and even delete those I know, but seldom talk/communicate/interact to/with. What's the point? If you don't contact them, it's highly unlikely you ever will. :/

    But yeah, I hate people who'd do that too >.<

  13. This has happened to me a few times before. Nowadays i dont add anyone i dont know - no matter how many mutual friends - just to avoid this shit...

  14. Facebook is also crazy. I know I added someone, but then after awhile, when the person approves me, suddenly in my notification, the person wants to add me. Their shit is weird also man...
