
Friday, May 3, 2013

Ninjas At The DiGi - Deezer Launch

This is a sponsored post.

Hey everybody how you’re all doing? Just one more day to the weekend!

So a couple of weeks back, I had the opportunity to attend the launch of the DiGi – Deezer event held at the DiGi headquarters. No they are not doing a name rebranding. Deezer is actually a mobile music app where you can create playlists of your favourite music and share it with friends! It is like a social media app but everything is music!

Here’s how it went down for me.

These people are ninjas I swear to the high heavens.
I have no idea how everyone could gather in front of the stage THAT fast.

Yeah so there were a few things going on that day. A game where you guess a song and win a prize and an area where you can try out the deezer app, a short presentation about the Deezer app as well as a small performance from our local singer, Aizat Amdan.

Want to know more about Deezer? Here is a video where our local  Malaysian actor, Shaheizy Sam explains it all:

Get your Deezer app today! Available now at the Apple and Android store!

No I didn’t manage to take a picture with Aizat at all that day.

Have an awesome weekend ahead!


  1. Lol. You should try going to an indie concert... i went once, and since i brought my dslr they think I'm with the press. so I was having my sweet time taking photos up front at the so called press-pit (separated by a tape or something) when suddenly, a used-to-be-indie band that went mainstream come up stage and within seconds I was reduced to fighting for my life (and my camera) from a stampede of people which keeps trying to crush me to the stage. lol... all the "press" ended up going on stage with the performers to get their photos. Which is not bad coz I get to back stage and meet some awesome people. lol...

  2. I lot of these type of apps nowadays.

  3. Lol ... I wonder who is that blue-haired staff in DiGi?
