
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Guest Artist: Chee Ching

Hello Thursday and the weekend is near!

Today we have yet another guest comic artist who would be drawing for us today and it none other than the adorable Chee Ching from!

Guest artist ain't your thing? Don't worry I am still posting my original comics on my Facebook page.

When I approached her for the guest artist month, Chee Ching was pretty excited to be drawing a six paneled bro comic for me as she felt this is something she has never tried before! And this is what she came up with!

True story. Short and simple.
I am beginning to feel that the bros actually scare people.

No wonder we can never get the girls.

Prior to meeting Chee Ching years ago, I was following her blog and I noticed that one of the gif image she made got pretty viral and she wasn't aware of it. I only first met her when we were going to a blog award ceremony where she was one of the finalists. She was very shy in nature but once she got comfortable, she is really nice to talk to. One of the most talented designers I have ever met!

Do check her out at!

Have a great weekend ahead!


  1. everybody is afraid of Daryl...haha... even guys i supposed :p

  2. If Daryl is not scary.... Something is totally wrong~ xD

  3. My favorite part in the bros comic is Daryl. Things wouldn't in spice without him

  4. Raya open house next time ernest, be sure to bring them over. haha

  5. Daryl is unpredictable, running doesn't seem to be a bad choice i guess lol xD

  6. My name is so similar... Chee Ching and Li Ching. Hahaha
