
Monday, September 9, 2013

Turning Three Years Old & The Universal Razor

Hey everyone! Monday is here! But it is also a special day for the "Bro, don't like that la, bro" series!

In case you hadn't knew, today marks the third year anniversary of the comic series! Finally we are three years old!

I feel old.

Thanks for following the comic series this whole while no matter when you first started reading. Even though you may have only read one strip the entire time but that still means something to me. Thanks for the comments, the likes, the shares, the feedback, the cheekiness you guys pour into my email and comment boxes. At least for three whole years, thanks for not making me feel like I have been talking to the wall with my comics and I am glad that you have been enjoying this sort of self deprecating humour at the expense of the bros. Thank you all very much for being part of this journey with me and hopefully I will never stop churning out comics for your entertainment.

I didn't figure out what to do this year as I have been pretty busy so I shall just give you guys a special massive edition comic like I have done for every year.


Here is the story of one particular universal razor.

That horrible moment when I found out that my razor was a 'toilet prostitute' all along.
Some translation in case Google Translate fails you:
Frame6: "Yes! Like this la only sexy!"
Frame7: "Woh! Looks like jungle!"
Frame9: "Woohoo! Beautiful macho and shiny!"

That horrible realisation. I swear to God. Never again.

Careful when you live with your friends. What you put on your face might have been elsewhere far far away.

Okay now for some announcements:

Now I know I missed a Thursday posting last week and I have received some emails asking me what happened and some even asked if I was okay. Don't worry as I am totally fine and I thank you guys for the concern.

Here's the thing, I have been immensely busy as my schedule just got extremely crazy this month. Therefore, in order to clarify things and to avoid me dying in my own pool of Red Bull infused blood due to extreme exhaustion, for the next two to three weeks, new comic postings shall be temporarily reduced to Mondays only but old comics will still be posted as usual on the Facebook page. That means no Thursday comics for at least two to three weeks from today.

Before you guys grab your pitchforks and prepare to storm my house, I just want you guys to know that it is not that I am doing something else and slowly ditching this series. It is because I am working on something awesome for this comic series and I hope when it comes out, it will be totally worth your time. Yours and mine. A lot of blood, tears, sweat and HP are being invested in that project right now and I hope you guys can be patient for a little while more as it loads.

In the mean time, HAPPY THREE YEARS OLD to my dearest comic. And thank you all very much for reading! Keep the love and the support and stay amazing!

Have an awesome week ahead.

"Like that only ah? How you gonna celebrate the third year bro?"
"Maggi goreng and video games."


  1. I... That... It... You... urghh... ewww.... no, no comment can describe how disgusted I am. hahahah.

  2. Replies
    1. you just read how i got crotch smell onto my face

    2. or are you trying to make cover up excuse? lol.

  3. well... better than realizing someone has been using your toothbrush to scrub the toilet bowl, right? XD

    1. if the bros ever do that to me, i will murder them

    2. But.. but.. Bro, you are fine with crotch smell to your face???? hahahaa btw, happy anniversary!

    3. of course I am not fine with the smell. haha!
      thanks bro!

  4. Happy 3rd Anniversary! Keep up the good work!

    Looking forward to see what you are up to!

    A new reader,

    1. thanks jessie! hope it will be out soon!
      appreciate the support!

  5. Well, er... How did you know your bros used it for other areas?? Ignorance is bliss. Just assume the funny smell is from somewhere... LOL

    1. well, cos the razor smelled like a combo of nipple, armpit and crotch all at the same time.
      funky as hell

  6. happy third anniversary Ernest, keep the comic going!!
    anyway I use small scissors to trim my moustache because when I shave it all of I look like a 10-years-old school boy lol!

    1. thanks yo!
      hahah my misai tak cukup panjang for scissors. kena cukur

  7. hye bro.. started reading your blog last year and finished everything within few days. :) Now, I save the Mondays n Thursdays for special occasion like bad hair day. Never fail to make me laugh though.

    Happy 3rd anniversary.. stay AWESOME n CHEEKY no matter how old u are!

    1. thanks sid! glad it makes you go lol!
      appreciate the wishes:)

  8. Wooohooo and an anniversary to our meetup!!! XD

    1. haha ya that is true too! i remember buying you beer XD

  9. Woah Happy 3rd. Annnniiiversary!
    Happy to see this webcomic progressing & gaining popularity & thank you for the humor, mixed emotions, pain & yadda yadda with your creativity.

    So fast 3rd dah. When want to compile & publish into a book? :D

    1. thanks vera! its because reader such as yourself have been showing the support thats why this comic still can survive!

      ya 3 years old d. maybe its time ;)

  10. This comment probably doesn't have anything to do with the comic directly, but when I was scrolling down your comic, right at the part where Jon is shaving and showing off his 'pits, my screen froze. Those 'pits are dangerous I tell you.

  11. happy third anniversary bro! I mean the comic..haha :D

    1. thank you sally!
      nasib baik bukan aku yang umor 3 tahun hahah

  12. Happy 3rd Anniversary & Love The Awesome Comics...

    1. thanks robbie! appreciate it! you are also very awesome!

  13. Oh dear gawd. That moment of dawning realisation must have been... traumatic.
    Oh well, at least there's your 3rd blogiversary to celebrate! Happy anniversary, and congratulations! (on the anniversary part, not the dawning realisation part lol)

    1. hahaha that is a very kind way to put it! Thank you very much! XD

  14. when I first see, i saw thirty years old. hahahahha
    congratulation dont like that la bro :D

    1. wah if 30 years old is too hardcore d hahah
      thanks rushan! stay awesome!

  15. hahahhaa.. you crack me up!
    Happy Anniversary by the way Bro! XD

    Put your razor somewhere safer laaa... and the dull one in the toilet.
    Sure hurt like hell.. LoL

    1. thank you prinz! haha

      haha that would be a good revenge trick!

  16. Does that happen to toothbrush as well?

  17. Previously the comics updated every Monday and its getting late than before. Perhaps the bros doing something to Ernest? Who knows what kind of nightmare he have created.

    1. well, i did provide an explanation for that bro in this post.
      but no worries the other bros have not gotten together to destroy me just yet

  18. Happy third anniversary!! never know I could tahan reading unusual (sometimes disgusting) comic until I read yours for almost a year now haha, keep up the good work!! please put razor in a safe place next time...

  19. Happy 3 year old! Pls dont stop...hahaha

  20. a heppy heppy for u all bros n keep on being awesome! ;)
