
Monday, October 7, 2013

Five More Things To NOT DO When Charming The Ladies

Hey Monday!

And I am late once again. This is due to a valid reason.

I was comatose-like after binge watching Breaking Bad over the entire weekend and the horrible empty feeling I got after realising it is all over. I might be like this for at least a week not knowing what to do without Breaking Bad.

Anyways, I pulled myself together and managed to draw this one out. I guess I will upload this and get back to moping around and try to scour the Internet for any Breaking Bad related trivia.

If you haven't heard of Breaking Bad, you should go watch it. I will not be responsible of loss of productive time in your life.

Here's the second part to one of my comics which I did many months ago! That comic was supposed to be an entry for an contest but unfortunately I didn't win despite my best efforts but one of my close Youtube friends, Dan Khoo liked the content and asked me to come out with a second part.

Here it is.

You can read PART 1 HERE.

Everyone loves Pokemon. Right?
Can you spot the cameo in the comic?

Anyway, this is sort of a collab with DanKhoo Productions as he MIGHT do a video based on this strip so keep an eye out for the video which should be out sometime soon!

Have an awesome week ahead!

*googles Breaking Bad*


  1. I don't do those and yet I'm still single :foreveralone:

    1. ouch. I have no idea how to make you feel better

    2. I feel you bro, same here... :eternalalone:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Is it me or the girl with Jamus actually have the biggest boobs??

    1. No. It's not you. We all see the boobs.

      They are big like you said.

  4. you know what, new Pokemon games are gonna be out in less than a week wooohooo!!!

  5. read about breaking bad at so many places recently.. but u managed to made me wikipedia-ed it. will have to download it anyway later.. :) anyway; 43 is damn creepy. LOL!


    1. you should really check the series out. it is really well written!
      i wanted to put more than 43 but Shamus didnt let me.

  6. Saw Dan there. lol.
    I haven't started on breaking bad. seeing how fatal it is to you. I don't know if I wanna~~

    1. haha yeah. I purposely made Dan to be not as distracted as me. (checking out the chick) I wonder if anyone got that joke.

      you should start on breaking bad. because reasons.

    2. I noticed. lol. Well, I will start when reasons get into my head and I can't stop myself. lol

  7. *high five* i love pokemon ngehehehe

  8. ooo hope that Dan Khoo really makes a video of this! His videos are awesome and this comic series is cool!

    xx Mandy

    1. haha stay tuned to find out! thanks for saying my comics are cool.
      you are cool for saying that XD
