
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013

The last day of 2013. No comic today. Initially I wanted to write a long ass post and recap on what has happened this year but then I wouldn't want to bore you with such things.

Unlike 2012, I felt that 2013 went by like a breeze; unrelenting, impatient and unstoppable. 2012 seemed to take its time but 2013 was more fast paced than I would like it to be. Things just happened so fast in 2013. From the interviews and talks to event appearances, I never thought I would be able to do such things if you were to ask me a couple of years back.

The greatest milestone for me would have to be the publishing of my first book and finally hitting 10k likes on my Facebook page. Therefore, I would like to thank everyone who have been supporting this series thus far. All of these would not be possible if it weren't for you guys.

After all of these, sometimes I admit I do feel like taking a break. Rest for a bit but then I realised the time for rest is not yet to be. Time to wake up and continue doing what I love doing.

Happy New Year everyone! May 2014 be the year to kick more ass!

Have an awesome one!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

ULTIMATE COLLAB: Merry Merry Xmas!

Hey everyone!

I just woke up from an 11 hour slumber. Felt rather good actually. Must have been the turkey I had last night.

Anyway, just taking this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year! Not just from me, but from all your favourite webcomic artists in Malaysia!

This is the biggest collab yet and we tried to fit everyone on the tree. Can you name all the artists?

We need a bigger tree. Click image for full size! 
Full list of artists here. Check them out!

Bolehland - | Theeggyolks - | CheeChingy - | Ernest Ng - | Pek Chek Kia - | Akiraceo - | Kendrick Ng - | Sim Hong Vee | eric Lee | Tee Juan - | Estee Gee - |Song Miblbs - | NIXON SIOW - | 一家囧口 - | Miao Lillian - | Ras Koh - | Sky Yong - | Keimin - | Hao - | Cedolurius Fujii - | 游心画客 -

That being said, have an excellent Christmas holiday and have an excellent good time! Therefore, I will be taking a Christmas break and there won't be any new comic on Thursday. Bro comics shall resume as normal next monday!

Have a merry jolly good Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Five Types Of Football Fans

Holy gosh I overslept big time today.

Hey everyone! How's everybody doing? Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is in the jolly holiday mood and shopping centers are now playing Chinese New Year songs.

But today's comic is nothing about those two because I got too distracted with another topic. Football. The season is on hold for the holidays but here is something for you avid footballers out there.

Which type of fan are you?
Have a great weekend ahead and have a Merry Christmas!

See you at my next book signing on the 28th and 29th December!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Three Fastest Ways To Spread News

Hey everyone! Happy Thursdays!

The other day I heard the most sexist joke ever. I laughed so hard and that makes me sexist and I am going deeper into hell by drawing a comic about it.

This is most probably the reason why I will die alone.

This comic is the quickest way to ensure women hate you. 

Sexist pig. Sexist pigs everywhere.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Stupidest Thing

Hey Monday! It is comic time! Turns out #itshawktime didn't trend. That's okay I know I'm not a trendy person.


Anyway, here's today's comic. Time for another attempt at combating Monday blues!

Daryl and I decided that we needed to go shopping for home supplies.

Instant boobs are actually kinda awesome.
What's the stupidest shit that you ever bought? Let me know in the comments below.

Minion *cough* 

Have a great week ahead!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Super Adventures of Dusty The Hawk

Hey everyone! How's things? Finally I'm back after my short holiday trip and we shall resume with comics!

Since I was 12, I enjoy drawing all kinds of comic stories. One of the things that I really enjoy drawing are animals. Talking animal stories are my favourite and I realised that I haven't done that in the longest time. So I rummaged through my comic collection and found this old favourite of mine somwhere in my files. It is a little crumpled but I managed to iron it out nicely and scan it here in its full glory.

Here is one about the adventures of a private investigator hawk.

And it's quite a big one too. #itshawktime

Ok I lied. This comic wasn't drawn many years ago. I just put in some old effects in there to make this piece look a little more vintage.

Sorry if you didn't get the joke and some might even find it tasteless. (If you get it, you know what is up) Unfortunately by the time I was done with drawing this large piece, this was how I felt.

Seriously. WTF am I drawing these days.
I'd put in so much effort in the comic so I didn't want it to go to waste. Did you see the amount of shadow work I had to do? It's bonkers.

Have a great weekend ahead!


Thursday, December 5, 2013

How To Be The Best Bro Ever

Hey everyone! Happy Thursdays! Sorry for the late post today. I had to wake up early for a meeting and I left the house forgetting it was Thursday.

Here's today's post. A very simple one. Not really a comic but this is 100% non fiction.

Today I will teach you how to be the best bro ever just by using social media. Nothing too complicated. Just one step needed.

Here is how:

Post your bro's poor English for the Internet to see.

Yes. I am the best bro ever.

Anyway, I will be away next week to somewhere in South East Asia so there might not be a new comic on Monday. If you really need to get your comic fix, do grab a copy of my recently published book! It has many new comics inside.

Yes. I'm hard selling again.

I am the best seller ever.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Where Have I Been?

Hey guys! Sorry for the delayed post. I recently finished a book signing event in Penang and when I got home I found out that my modem has decided to go on a holiday. I hope all of you can be patient enough while I fix things on my end.

I'm blogging this post from my cousin's place.

Anyway, there is also another reason why the frequency of my comics have dropped. In case you haven't noticed, I just recently released my first book which contains many new comics and you should check it out because it contains a year's worth of comics in there. With proper reading discipline of only two comics a week, the new comics in the book can last you a year.

So, with the presence of my book, I have been rather busy running around trying to promote it as much as possible. Many forms of methods have been implemented to ensure that my book reaches sales target.

Here is one of the ways I have been practicing on a weekly basis.

Bookstores are my new stalking place.
Yeah. I get kicked out of bookstores a lot these days.

Buy my book so I will stop doing this kind of shit in bookstores.

Thank you.

Really. Click this box. All you need to know is inside.

Yes! Hahah! This post was an advertisement to promote my comic after all! IT'S A TRAP!

I have no shame.

*if you believe that I actually do this kind of stalking in bookstores, you must be having a totally warped view of me. And I cannot blame you for that.