
Monday, July 21, 2014

Wakudoki Your Way To Tokyo

Hey everyone! How’s it hanging?

Happy Monday by the way.

So recently the bros were doing something really strange. But then again they have always been the strangest bunch.

I bumped into them one day all dressed up in suits and tie.

Turns out that Daryl has found yet another online dance competition brought to you by Toyota who has kicked off this rather interesting competition about dancing to the Wakudoki feeling and I’ve always thought that they are only about cars.

Firstly, what the heck is Wakudoki anyway?

'Waku-Waku' is a term in Japanese use to describe when your heart is pumping with joy and you can't sit still.
'Doki-Doki' is Japanese for the sound of your heartbeat.

Hence you get “Wakudoki” which is the creative expression for the joy you feel when your heart is pumping with excitement!

It is pure mathematics and science. Do not dispute.

Don't know how to do the Wakudoki? The website teaches you how!

Here's some complimentary screenshots!

The dance is really simple! It includes a “Beginner mode” where users can do the Wakudoki  by following the animated silhouette of the dance moves.

If that is too easy for you and you want to show off, you can go for “Expert Mode” where there will be no 
guide given.

You can even do the Wakudoki through the smartphone app too! 

Wakudoki on the go!

There’s two rounds in this contest, the video with the highest number of views wins “Beats by Dr. Dre” earphone! One winner will be chosen from each country, and among all the posted videos, the best dance wins a trip for two to Tokyo!

First round of the contest ends 25th August 2014! Join now for regret forever.

Find out more about Wakudoki and participate at

Have a nice day!

*This is a sponsored post*

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