
Thursday, September 18, 2014


Wow, that is the saddest sounding title ever.

Hey everyone! How is it going? Happy Thursday!

Well, I'm back! Yes I was gone for awhile as I was having one of the rarest vacations in my life and I am not even sorry about that. However, I do apologise that I haven't been posting anything new as when I got back, I got the worst jet lag ever (still having it) and there was just so much to do that I haven't even got the time to post anything new.

This is why you check your emails even though you are on holidays.

Things got really hectic that I didn't even get to announce the comic's fourth anniversary that was freaking NINE DAYS AGO on the 9th of September 2014. Yes. This series has officially turned four years old. It may only be still like a little baby but it felt like the longest freaking time ever.

Anyway, happy fourth year to my dearest comic! It's your fourth birthday and I missed it for the very first time but it happens, right? Thank goodness this comic isn't a real life four year old son of mine who would indefinitely resent me for forgetting his birthday.

So like every year during the comic's anniversary, here is a massive 12 framed comic to celebrate!


And it is also titled, "Sorry".

It is a never ending cycle.
Thank you everyone for showing so much love and support for the comic series and I would not have reached to this point without every single one of you showing nothing but love and laughter all along the way! The love you guys give was so intense that I actually managed to churn out TWO FREAKING BOOKS which has been quite a success and for that I really appreciate every single one of you!

Also sorry if I don't manage to reply your emails or messages quickly enough as I am really quite busy these days but I will do my best to actually reply you guys! Thank you guys so much!

A big shout out to my publisher Keropok Comics a.k.a. Advantage Quest Publications for assisting me in the actualization of converting my online comics into an actual physical book! Also to Popular Bookstore for being the best distributor around and always having my books on the shelves! Thank you to my Bros as well for still silently supporting me even though I have gotten really busy. You guys know you are awesome!

Happy fourth my dearest comic! You are a big boy now.

*manly tear*


  1. Yeah... I know I'm awesome... haha
    Hope you'll have a much much much more longer famedome and a much much much more success going forward.
    So I can extort you to buy me dinner :p

    I wish you, your comic and your bro all the best!
    Hidup Ernest!!! hahahah

  2. Bro, congrats!!
    Btw, is there any book signing session in JB?

    1. thanks bro! hopefully there would be one towards the end of 2014.

  3. Congrats, bro! Just read your books - it's damn funny! When's the next one coming out?

    1. should be sometime mid next year:) thanks for the support bro!

  4. BAHAHAHAHHA. This is awesome! I've missed youuuuu :p
