
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How To Make Fresh Potato Chips

Hey everyone! What’s happening?

Well, the other day I was stalking around social media and I stumbled upon my friend, Dennis Yin’s post on Instagram and it was about potato chips and I realised that I have never talked about this topic before. It also reminded me that one time when Jamus tried to make his own potato chips. 

Why make our own potato chips? Because fresh potato chips are really hard to come by these days and the freshest kind are always the kind you make yourself.

Here’s a quick and super helpful tutorial on how to make your own fresh potato chips!

Efficiency is key.
It’s really hard to make fresh potato chips.

Go buy from the nearest store.

It’s wayyyyy easier.

I hope that this tutorial has been really helpful for you. I know. You are welcome.

Or else, go to Perfecto’s Facebook or Instagram for more potato crisps’ goodness. Though I'd suggest putting those potato chips in your mouth is way more satisfying than just looking at pictures of them on the Internet.

Go get some chips.

Have a great week ahead!


  1. Hahaha I didn't expect the story ends like this! Bro, don't be like this lah... :D

  2. HAHAH, yes easiest way man! Slicing pieces of potatoes takes FOREVER! :X

  3. why? why? why don't you give us the recipe Jamus! hahahaha...

  4. I'm so excited to know how to make my own fresh potato chips, suddenly the story ends up that way and I was like don't be like this la bro.. x_x #kantoi

  5. ahahhaahhahahhahahhhahahhhahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahah..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

  6. easy.........
