
Monday, July 18, 2011

Brain Lag

Hey guys! It's Monday again! Time to start off another working week! Oh gosh sometimes I wish that it is still the weekend why isn't it the weekend anymore?? I had the shittiest weekend and I want it back!! Goddamnit Monday I hate you!!

Here's a comic to cure that Monday blues! If you have it...

Today's comic is an incident that happened recently in the bros household. I'm sure many of you experienced this before. (I personally don't because I am macho like that)

Distractions can be so distracting. Even for the simplest decision making processes.

Now Jamus will never know that nostalgic taste of that "old school" ice cream...

Continued in PART 2

In other news: A major announcement will be made soon! Don't forget to LIKE the official Facebook page to see what it is!


  1. this always happen to me in real life... what a bummer!

  2. lol. it happens to everyone, at least once in your life!

  3. ditto! happens to me to. lol on and off.

  4. not so 'smart' after all eh? :P haha!

  5. hahaha....normal disease that i have >.< and end up with FFFFUUUUUUUUUU.........

  6. This reminds me of the handphone story. XD aiyoo jamus, so absent-minded. Kalah kena Jon de.... XD

  7. @pauline, xiashien, adel and green tea: are you guys all serious??? LOL strangely it never happened to me before!
    @ken: lol yalor... i guess his character getting less and less smart lately

  8. @sumbuddy: haha true! he is kind of absent minded. but jon still holds the trophy for most absent minded!

  9. lols happens to me too -_-" easily distracted.

  10. go get another one! get 2 instead, one for me!

  11. @glow: haha i think after jamus reads these comments he wont feel so bad already...
    @dblchin: hi dblchin! lol get one more for you? i think shud be no problem for jamus:) just dont accidentally throw the ice cream like jamus :P

  12. this always happens to me..................quite often actually....but not food, though. lots and lots of other things...

  13. hhaha always do that , recently i just threw a $10 note instead of the wrapper lol

  14. LOLOLOLOLOLOL, i thought i am the only one that does it!!!


  15. @shamus: bro u kenal glow ah?
    @tara: if its money no big deal i think cos u can always take it back from the trash. if food different story lo haha
    @kelvin: looks like jamus and you and a few more of the commentors here can sigh a big relief that you guys are not alone HAHAHA XD
    @pouleen: i have expected as much :P
    @cik bucken: yes haha all because of jon. did u notice the underlying toilet joke when he asks for toilet paper? ;)

  16. hahhhaahha XD it remind me last time.. i suppose to keep the glass to the kitchen.. but...i went to washroom :D lol! funny la jamus... lol

  17. hahahah!totally agreed!menyamar saja!

  18. @greenie: haha u also absent minded but i think urs not that serious! but in the end did the glass end up in the washroom? LOL
    @cik bucken: hahaha! jon and the toilet and his berak jokes! (i hope he doesnt see this comment)

  19. cant wait for the announcements! ;)

  20. @wendy: lol i think u know what it is already LOL

  21. Ahaha, OMG that totally happens! There was once, I was taking some money out from an envelope. I wanted to throw out the envelope and keep the cash in my purse, but I was distracted (talking to my mum or something) and I threw the cash instead! @.@ Well, at least I could still pick the cash back up. Poor Jamus can't save the ice cream. haha

  22. I sometimes does that too. processor slow edi..

  23. @shirley: hi shirley! haha apparently this happens to A LOT of people i know! somehow it hasnt happened to me. and i hope that day NEVER comes!

  24. @liz: haha yeah at least cash can still pick up. sadly thats not the same with food. i hope you never accidentally throw away your food like jamus did :)

  25. Wellllllll. There was once.....nevermind. :x

  26. Just this afternoon I almost threw a bag of Shih Lin's crispy chicken into a trash can. Meant to throw the receipt away but guess my brain short circuited. Anyway, I managed to stop my hand from releasing the bag thus saving the food, and then successfully threw the receipt into the trash can.... along with the change money that I forgot to put in my wallet....... And I wasn't even distracted at the time... ._.

  27. @lee: you know what. that was epic! but at least you didnt throw the food LOL

  28. Lol yea.. I do these kinda stuff all the time though, but mostly throwing change money instead of food. XD

  29. 5 seconds rule, bro, remember that.

  30. This is why one should always hold a food with the right hand.

  31. This is why one should always hold a food with the right hand
