
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Brain Lag, continued

BAM! Turns out there's a continuation for last Monday's strip! What happens directly after Jamus suffered a brain lag and threw his untouched ice cream into the trash instead of the useless wrapper?

Read the initial part HERE in case you are just tuning in.

I bet a lot of people also have done this at least once.... Wait! You didn't? Dun lie... (I have never done such a thing because I am macho like that. OK FINE! I DO IT SOMETIMES TOO! But not like how Jamus does it)

We all love the Three Seconds Rule, don't we?
Thank God for the Three Seconds Rule! (so many wasted food was saved thanks to it)

Personally, I did not see Jamus in the act of picking and eating from the trash like a hobo. (hobo, NOT homo). Someone else actually told me about this.

Jon. He sees all. Beware.
 Don't forget to like the comic's Facebook page for more oddities!

Have an awesome weekend ahead!


  1. OMG!!! 3 seconds rules cannot always applies to all situation la... This is so "yuck"!!! LOL....oh...And I love the final frame... Good Job! :)

  2. Long live the 5seconds rule!!!

  3. Hobo not Homo! XD LOL... it only applies to DRY foodstuffs! Yuck la this case~~ tsk tsk tsk!

  4. Errr... if you reeeeeeeeeeally want to do that, you can't *dust* wet food. Rinse it under tap water for a good while instead.... but still I won't do it.

    I thought Jamus is super meticulous when it comes to food... But hey, he's the smart one. XD

  5. seriously!i'm '3 seconds' application user!!! in 3seconds the germs n kuman2 cannot PANJAT on our food! hahaha~XD

  6. @pauline: LOL why is it yuck?!! thanks yea!
    @thatha: you just added 2 more seconds to the rule!
    @pouleen: haha thats true! only dry stuffs! but what if the ice cream is like dry and frozen?
    @sumbuddy: jamus is super radical when it comes to food. haha. anything goes!
    @cik bucken: yeah! high five! 3 seconds rule ROCKS!

  7. lol, last pic: Jamus in his ultimate divine state.

  8. haha,but if he didn't do that,I would pity him for not being able to eat the ice-cream XD

  9. If on the house floor I'll quickly rinse with water 1st la. but trash can lols plus i think the whole action more than 3 sec ;p BUT at least Jamus is building up his immunity! ^^

  10. LOL, THERE IS NO 3 SECS RULE AT ALL!!! Once it touches something, the germs will IMMEDIATELY stick to the object~

  11. you waste ur foods poor..lets join 3secs team! woot~woot >_<

  12. By right its 5 seconds actually not wrong. Read in an article somewhere.

  13. @green tea: haha.. thank god he havent turned into a buddha or stg!
    @syun: so if later he gets a stomachache will you still pity him? hahha
    @glow: but wouldnt water spoil the food taste d? i duno i never tried before...
    @kelvin: i dunno dude i think malaysians tend to dust their food when it is dropped lol
    @cik bucken: ya haha! agree with u..either that or we malaysians are brave dirty people :P
    @thatha: a lot le. some people say 8, some say 5 some say one minute. LOL jamus likes 3

  14. At least he ate the ice-cream that he wanted,so getting the stomachache would be worth it. =)

  15. Rofl!

    Garbage can 3 second rule don't work!

  16. ice-cream.. HOW CAN?? lol.. it's wet and moist, surely some external particles will get "glued" to it :P

  17. @syun: i like the way u think! eat first, think later! as long as it is worth it! haha
    @ladyviral: can wat... just dust it off first :D
    @ken: well if the ice cream is still super frozen and dry, still can or cannot? if got external particles can always wash off with some water XD

  18. OMG, I was juuuuuuust saying in the previous post that Jamus couldn't "save" the ice cream. I guess he did anyway! @.@ haha

    Yer, really should have at least rinsed it with water! xD

  19. @liz: haha you spoke too soon liz! jamus is a strong believer of the 3 second rule! no food shall go wasted!

  20. Ahaha xD oh anyway, I thought it was the 5-second rule =.= hehe

  21. @liz: apparently there are many versions of the rule. 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 8 seconds.. who knows
