
Monday, July 25, 2011

Dreams VS Reality

I have a question for you guys.

Have you ever had a dream one night and it was so awesome which you think that it will come true so you try it out in real life?

Me neither.

But Daryl has. This is what he did.

Jasmine. Not to be f***ed with in the morning.

Night time dreams a lying bitch.

Daryl is coming for me again after this I'm sure. With a Bieber stick.

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  1. Had many dreams but wouldn't be so easy to be achieved.haha XD

  2. ROFL...i'm laughing with ulcer in my mouth, ouch &^$@%#$%!! Kesian Daryl.
    Can't instantly remember my dream like that, usually few hours after or it would really happen as deja vu.

  3. This is the most retarded act I've ever seen. XD
    What in the strangest world is he thinking?

  4. not a sweetdreams is a wet dreams daryl has~LOL

  5. lol.. dream is a dream.. but THAT dream seems impossible in real life :P

  6. @syun: haha but is it as ridiculous as daryl's?
    @green tea: yeah thats usual ppl cant remember their dreams. after this kesian me cos daryl gonna kill me after this.
    @sumbuddy: LOL that, you have to ask him. he does the craziest thing!
    @cik bucken: hahah yeah attempting to bring his wet dream to reality!
    @ken: eh can la! just have to try... results may vary HAHAHA

  7. hahahahhaa so funny XD. even so, i wont show my ... if anyone asked me like that

  8. bro.make a bonus panel of daryl's dream pov

  9. @ss: hi ss! of course la who want to simply simply show... hahaha.... want to show pay money first.. opss!!
    @shamus: bro, itu taktik biasa bro haha
    @lord_adi: cannot la bro... later this comic 18sx... and also jasmine will kill me hahaha

  10. Hahaha! I seldom dream about good things and I NEVER try em out.

  11. hahahah this is the first time I'm checking out your comics and it looks awesome! gonna go snoop around your other posts....

  12. @tcping: haha even if ur dream is good or not, always dont try them out. unless its lottery numbers then might as well XD
    @tehtarik: thanks tehtarik! hope you find more funny stuff in here!

  13. I'm starting to think that daryl is the easiest person to be trolled irl.

    but really, jasmine beat the crap out of him? the sungguh the ganaszxxorr... *shudder*

  14. even the cereal box said OH SNAP hahahahhahaa

  15. LOL... details details..... XD

  16. LOL! Asking a girl to show her boobs. That guy deserves a big slap. Obviously.. xD

  17. wa...wat do u normally do during day time? why got such dreams 1? at least i m more normal. i just dreamed i went dating wif girl A but called girl B's name :|

  18. @sumbuddy: lol he might be... but actually jon is easier to troll irl. i might have exaggerated the damage dealt to daryl, she didnt really kick his ass to that extent. just a slap and a kick i think.
    @adrian: awesome! you noticed! i tot nobody will! haha
    @pouleen: details are me speciality heh heh
    @oridusartic: hey! u're here! haha ya i guess he was just excited to have seen them in his dreams!
    @alvin: haha guys tend to have this kind of dreams one wat no meh? haha but how can u mistake the girls name!!! wanna die ah? haha

  19. Dream is always the opposite of reality lol~

  20. My dreams are always exam-related XD

  21. @sharkox: lol too late.. daryl already did... i think after this no one else will try d..
    @kelvin: sometimes no le... sometimes will come true.. u just have to try hahaha
    @syun: wah mean u exam stress issit? don worry once exam over no more dreams of exam d

  22. Haha thats why people always love to dream..

  23. @parkair: thats y dreams are good! especially 'those' kinda dreams XP

  24. Dreams Vs. Reality was a great comic for me as when i was in A Level i read this and i decided to become a dentist and because that was my dream and today my dreams come true i am a zahnarzt in Basel-Stadt and performing my duties for the sake of humanity and my dreams come true.
