Saturday, September 29, 2012

B.R.O.S.: Facebook Shenanigans #7 - Mud Time Offer

Hey everyone! I'm back!

Yes. Sorry for the lack of posting the previous Thursday. I was feeling unwell and that reality finally reminds me that I am still a vulnerable human that is still susceptible to the elements. I sometimes forget that I am not a dinosaur or a Pokemon and that fact saddens me. Still thanks everyone for the well wishes. It was really touching to be receiving those kind words. You guys are all seriously awesome. I'm still not at 100% yet though but give it another few days and I will be back on my feet! Thanks so much once again!

Since its Saturday, I thought I'd post another B.R.O.S. content since its already almost lunch time and most of you might be out right now. Anyway, if you are home, here's a Saturday post while you wait for Monday!

One day while Facebook chatting with Shamus, he suddenly offered me one of the strangest request.

Later that evening, Shamus went out.
berkubang = wallow in a mud pit

Would you wallow in the mud with Shamus?

He says its relaxing.

Have a great Saturday ahead!

Monday, September 24, 2012

How I Almost Became Fat, part 3

Hey it's Monday!

And I need to stop using that post title as it is rather misleading.

Anyway, let's continue from where we left off in the previous episode. What happened in the gym after Jon managed to force us there?

"Wait bro. What happened to the B.R.O.S. post last Saturday?"
"I have no idea what you are talking about."

Read PART 1 and PART 2 first.

Worst spotter of the year goes to...
He came running back to save me after about 10 seconds. Yes. It took him that long.

Maybe I should change the post title to "How I Almost Died".


Have a great week ahead everyone!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

How I Almost Became Fat, part 2

Good Thursdays everyone! Too bad no more long weekends for Malaysians. Damn why do they always let us get used to the long holidays week after week only to take it away from us later?

Problem of having too much holidays.

Today is the second part of the bros' gym adventures. We continue where we left off in where Jon tries to get me to gym. He didn't do so well that time so he now looks for Shamus to gym with him.

Will Jon succeed? Or will he face another lazy assed excuse?

READ PART 1 HERE FIRST if you haven't.

Let the gyms begin!
Turns out Jon manages to haul me to the gym too after wrestling me to the ground.

Thus begins our brutal workout with Jon. You know it's not going to turn out well.


I'm sure many are going to ask how in the world did Jon manage to drag Shamus all the way to the gym. Here is the answer.
Shamus sleeps like a log.
Not even an earthquake can wake Shamus.

Now I wonder why didn't Jon ask Jamus to join him for gym as well. Such bias.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Monday, September 17, 2012

How I Almost Became Fat, part 1

Hey Monday! If you are Malaysian, you would know that the Monday blues will not be coming for you today as it is a public holiday here. Happy Malaysia day!

The blues will come for you tomorrow though.

Anyway, if you are from outside Malaysia, and within the same time zone as Malaysians, and it is Monday, here is a comic for you!

There was a time I was so engrossed in video games that it became rather detrimental to my health and well being. I was en route to becoming a misshapen fatty. As Jon was the fitness junkie around the house (till today actually), he was constantly trying to get me (and the rest of the bros) to join him in his brutal gym sessions.

This is the first part of my gym adventures with Jon.

Sakit hati menunggu.
Sorry bro for making you wait like that.

Needless to say, he went on ahead without me that day. But that doesn't mean that he has given up on me...yet.

It only got worse from here on out. For me at least.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

B.R.O.S.: Facebook Shenanigans #6 - Lan Lan What?

I woke up and just realised that it is actually Saturday! Joy!

Here's a B.R.O.S. for you this lovely Saturday with yet another Facebook shenanigan!

Sometimes we wonder what goes through Daryl's mind. It must be a vast cryptic space of mystery and wonder.

Lan lan you, lan lan me.
No, we do not know what is lan lan.

Ask Daryl if you really wanna know.

Have a great Saturday!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mascot Madness!

Hey everyone! I'm back from my break! How's everybody?

What do you mean no one noticed I was gone?

Happy Thursdays everyone! I'm back from my one day break and since this will be the first comic for the second year running of this webcomic series, here's a special edition comic! A massive 12 framed edition!

You can say that the extra six frames makes up for the missing ones from Monday.

It is time for the year of madness! Enjoy!

You never know true fear until you get chased by a 6 foot mascot bear.
Shamus never got to work that day.

I've never seen Jamus run so fast in my life before. Daryl went into sonic speed within seconds and disappeared into a lingerie shop where he couldn't be found. I was hiding between the Legos.

Hope you enjoyed this special second year edition comic! Now I can finally go to sleep!

Another long weekend in Malaysia is coming as next Monday (17 September 2012) is a public holiday, so have a great long weekend once again everyone!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

'Bro Dont Like That La Bro' is Finally Two!

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the lateness as I partied really hard last night and only woke up moments ago.

Still, exactly today (9 September) is the day that this comic finally turns two years old! I know if you look back in the archives you will notice that the first posting is in November but many do not know that this comic was initially launched solely over Facebook only until friends were telling me to finally put it on blogger where everyone can see. Two years go by really fast and I won't say that it is a long period but I would like to thank everyone who has supported my comics, given me the great motivation to come this far.

Seriously if no one reads this comics from the beginning, I don't think I would ever last this long.

To commemorate this awesome day, a large handful of other various comic bloggers from all around Malaysia got together and drew THEIR OWN version of the bros! Ever wondered how the bros would look like in their style?

Full list of all the awesome talents are below. Do check them out!

Ahmad Fani -
Jian Goh -
Prinz Aujinz -
Tan Wai Kit & Dan Khoo -
Chee Ching -
Cherane -
Eric Lee -
Estee Gee -
Kendrick Ng -
Pouleen Low -
Raja Syahmi -
Nik Dini Junaidi -
Muhd Ashraq Salahuddin -
Tun Jie Foo -
Egg Yolks -
Thank you for all your amazing artworks! I love each and every one of them and most of their intepretations of the bros made me laugh.

Someone asked me before, if I were to ever go back in time and choose to draw the bros differently, how would I draw them? Here is your answer.

I would be so much lazier.
Thanks to my bros who have been an undying source of hilarity in my life and I am really glad to have every one of you. Good times and bad, I know we are bros for life.

Thanks everyone for supporting my comics all these two "long" years! Many awesome memories came along since the birth of this comic and I am sure many more will come along! But all of that would be nothing if it weren't for you guys, the readers! Yes you, the one reading this right now! Really appreciate the great love and support that you have given this silly little series and I will do my best to keep the years and the comics coming! More comic madness for you for as long as my hands don't fail me!

Keep calm and keep "Bro, don't like that la, bro"!

I love you all!

P.S. Will be taking a break on Monday (10 September 2012) to let all the emotions sink in. Haha. No. It's because my dinosaur broke out again and has gone missing. In the meantime, check out the other comic bloggers above! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

How To Make Your Move On A Girl, part 2

Hello Thursday! And thus the weekend is near once again! Rejoice!

Sorry for the late posting (again) as I was stuck in a time wasting seminar this morning rendering me unable to do a posting at my usual time. Seriously I don't even know why I sat there the whole morning. Free gifts perhaps?

I am so Malaysian.

Anyway, it turns out that we are NOT done with the topic of chatting up girls in a bar as mentioned in the previous episode.  Jon never gives up easily.

This time he was much closer and somewhat almost "luckier".

Guess what or who cockblocked him this time?

READ PART 1 HERE if you haven't.

Jon's market rate that night was at an all time low.
Lost? Confused? New here and don't know what the girls meant? READ THIS STRIP.

Yep. It was me. I cockblocked him from afar. My cockblocking ability has incredible range and I am not even aware of it till I was told about it.

I am so sorry bro. I did not expect that to happen.

Better luck next time, bro. Just don't meet any chicks who happen to read this comic series in order to increase your chances.

"Sial la you, bro."
"I love you too."

Have a great weekend ahead!

P.S. "Bro, don't like that, bro" will be turning TWO this coming 9 September! Yay! Unfortunately, nothing spectacular is going to happen. However, if you do have any questions you would like to ask me (regarding the comic and the bros, or basically just anything as long as it is appropriate and doesn't infringe my human rights) do feel free to ask me via commenting below, Facebook, Twitter, or even through my email as I might post it up when the day comes. But seriously, I don't even know if I am really going to do that but I guess I'll see what kind of questions come along (if any). Anyway, thanks for supporting all these two years! You guys rock my socks and wiggle the....okay nevermind. Thanks though! Keep up the awesomesaurus!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How To Make Your Move On A Girl

You know that title is going to be yet another misleading one, right?

Hey good morning Tuesday everyone! I know I am a day late as yesterday my dinosaur broke out of its cage and began terrorizing the neighbors by eating all their flowers in their gardens. I tried to calm him down but my dinosaur was already high on flowers so animal control had to come and put a tranquilizer dart in its neck and now Mr. Dino has been sleeping ever since.

I never said I was good at lying. My dinosaur is allergic to flowers. He would never touch them.

Still, better late than never! Here is a comic as promised to replace the missing one on Monday.

In today's story, Jon shows you his talent on picking up chicks at the bar.

Jamus was pretty sure she was Jon's type.
Talk about sour grapes.

Still, Jon did the right thing. Always abort the mission when the girl actually has a handsome and built boyfriend with her.

Jon's usual words to describe a well built person.
"One punch and I'll straight fly to Hong Kong!"

I know that fear bro.

Have a great week ahead!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

CONTEST: The Need For Speed with Michelin Pilot Experience

Hey happy Saturdays everyone? How is the long weekend so far? If you are Malaysian you would know what I mean.

Some readers have asked me what kind of games do I play. Assuming they are talking about video games, I would say that I spend countless hours on racing games. Yes. You name it. Need for Speed, Gran Turismo and the like. I am a race junkie.

But not the type that goes modifying his car with spoilers and loud exhaust.

I love cars. I do not need to tell you why I love cars because simply put, I am a bro. Bros love cars. Which bro doesn't? There can be no other reason. Okay I know there are some that doesn't but there's only a small minority of guys who doesn't like cars but generally, guys just do. No fighting.

So putting two and two together, I love cars. That's why I love racing games. But I would REALLY love to one day at least try racing on the track once for real. Hours upon hours of race simulation could only get me so far.

But I came very close to real racing at one point.

Almost real racing.
Just needed "that much" more.

That was as close as I got. It is not cheap to experience a real race as I would need a freaking race car to do it. I do not have that amount of money to get one. It's ridiculous. Not the idea of racing. It's the freaking price tag that comes with it. Do you know how much those F1 teams spend each race? I don't because the numbers have at least six digits in them. And I suck at numbers.

Then I heard about this Michelin Pilot Experience contest in collaboration with Nuffnang where I would be able to finally drive a REAL RACE CAR on track for a day! So I thought this is it! My life long dream has been answered! Just once to experience the sheer mad speed on track for a day and my life is another step towards completion and I can die happy in several decades time!

All I need to do is post a blog entry on why I deserve it. Well here it is. You just read it.

Please! I really want to win this contest so I can tell my imaginary grandkids that I was a speed badass demon on the Playstation and on track as well!

Why do I deserve to win this contest? I'll be honest instead of giving you all that mumbo jumbo people usually say:

Real racing is expensive. And I am poor.

At least I am honest, right?

Have a great Saturday ahead!