Thursday, November 29, 2012


Hey guys! Looks like we are still on the topic of cameras this week.

I just realised recently that I do not have a proper camera of my own. I did have a nice compact camera once but knowing that half the electronics that I have are half broken, that camera has fallen in the category of being fully broken. Therefore, I tend to always borrow other people’s camera whenever I want to take pictures and that makes me look like a person so poor that he couldn’t even afford his own camera. But he could still afford video games. And that doesn’t make any sense.

So I decided I should get a new camera because I seem to be lacking a visual capturing device among my complete arsenal of half broken electronics. Getting a new camera would mean that finally I have something that is not broken! 

But a promotion is needed. A good one. 

Promotion? That's where these guys come in.
I needed a good and cheap affordable camera.

Someone told me that senQ is having their Digital Imaging Promotion and that means they are having a promotion for their camera products. (Me. Stating the obvious as usual. I happen to be very good at that) Therefore it was only logical that I head to one outlet of theirs and check it out. I’m not a very camera tech savvy person so I relied on the promoter to talk a little about one of their cameras that I have my eye on.

Talk about wasting your breath. You are welcome.
I am the kind of person who always go for the cheaper option. That’s why I am so classy at expensive restaurants.

Yep. That’s the only thing I know about cameras. Their pricing. But this model seems solid and affordable all at the same time and with its existence I do not have to burn a gargantuan hole in my pocket just to get a real DSLR to take DSLR like quality pictures! I can now trick people to think I am good with a camera now! How awesome is that! Now I can pretend to be a professional photographer like so many out there with their expensive DSLRs!

That's when I realised I had no money on me so I went back with the catalog instead.
Here comes the hard sell awesome part!

That’s right! senQ is having their Digital Imaging Promotion where their cameras are lovely in prices and you get many other bonus stuff!

When you buy any of their interchangeable lens camera, it comes with a 5 Year Warranty and Discount Vouchers up to RM300! *only on selected models 

You will also be getting special premium gifts such as jacket case, extra memory card, extra battery (selected models only) and extra bragging rights!

There is even a 0% Interest instalment payment plan up to 36 months (selected banks) so you do not have to worry about any one cent extra for your new camera!

In conjunction with their Digital Imaging promotion, senQ is also having an Online Contest on their Facebook where all you need to do is to share and tag and you stand to win an iPod touch! For free! What????

Now I need to collect scrounge up some money so I can get that camera before the promotion runs out. (Promotion lasts between 1st Oct – 31st Dec 2012)

“Bro, borrow me money can?”
“Then borrow me camera can?”

Someone sponsor me?

Have a great week ahead! Make it greater by getting a camera at any participating senQ outlet today!

Hard sell ends here.

Oh, the camera that I took home the other time? I had to return it. :(

Now, seriously. Someone sponsor me? Please?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

SPONSORED: Panasonic Lumix

Hey happy Tuesday everybody!

So about a week ago I was given the opportunity, thanks to the Stickman and the gang, to attend the Panasonic Lumix launch event at the Sunway Hotel to get a glimpse of their latest range of Lumix cameras. 

Ideas FOR LIFE! They might have the best tagline ever.
Now I am technically a galaxy sized amateur when it comes to cameras and gadgetry so I decided that going to the event would be helpful in gaining some knowledge and information about cameras so I wouldn’t seem so ignorant whenever my friends talk about cameras next time.

Yay. This is the Lumix LX7.
Do note that all images in the comic below is taken with the Panasonic LX7 under low light conditions under auto intelligent setting because I do not know how to set a camera manually.

Here's how my experience at the Panasonic Lumix event went.

But I honestly did have way too much fun taking pictures with the LX7 camera to the point I lost track of time. Thankfully I had Huai Bin from to back me up with the extra pictures. *wink*

Being a total noob in photography, I have no idea how to set the functions and dials on the machine but my pictures came out as if I had professional training in photography for years. For once I am impressed at myself.

The LX7 wasn’t the only model reviewed by the professional photographers, Grace and Szeto, that day. The GH3 and G5 were also given a simple overview of their functionality and usage.

Still I can’t say much about these other two Lumix models mainly because I was too engrossed in taking pictures with the LX7.

I even went home with it;)

Have a great week ahead!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bro Long Story: Kidnapped, part 4

Happy Saturdays everyone!

It's time for yet another 3 pages of my 24 paged comic from my 24 hour comic marathon! We are 12 pages in and this was the time while drawing these few pages (about 12 hours in) that my brain started to fail and sputter on me as I was fighting early signs of fatigue and it was not easy since I am a consistent 8 hours sleeper.The story and drawing quality only gets shittier from here on out.

Seriously. It really does gets shittier. From here it is only the beginning of the shittiness. Still I hope you guys enjoy it!

Read PART 1, PART 2, PART 3

These kidnappers really have to work on their priorities. But then, so do we.

Things will start to not really make sense in the coming episodes.


Have a great Saturday ahead!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Doodle doodle

Hey everyone! How's Thursday treating ya? A comic is here so if your Thursday happens to be rathery shitty I hope this comic lightens up your day a little bit. If your Thursday isn't shitty, well, read this comic anyways.

Do you like to doodle when you were a kid? Simply getting a piece a paper and a pen or pencil and start doodling away? Then a sibling or a friend joins you in doodling as well? I would say that is one of the best memories I have as a kid. Everyone drawing and doodling together.

The Shamus and Jamus brothers also had a similar experience. But theirs always end up way more spectacular than expected.

Ever had this experience as a kid?
Doodling on each other's paper to a point of total destruction of paper.

The bros still do this till today.

This is why I never draw my comics on paper.
Before I sign off, can you guys do me a favor?

No. I am not going to ask you for money. That's next time.

Anyway, remember my RICOH comic contest post a few weeks  back? I submitted an entry and now it has gone into the voting phase and it would be really sweet and awesome of you if you could vote for my entry? It's under the name "Ernest Ng Thye Sern". Yes that is my full name. I am doing this only because I have officially gone desperate.


please? I'm an internet beggar now.

Thank you very much.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Fart Face

Disclaimer: Today's comic is rather messed up. Viewer discretion is advised.

Hey happy Monday everyone! I guess everyone is back from their holidays by now and the blues is definitely much bluer than usual.

Dammit. I'm feeling it too.

Anyway, I'm back from my holidays hence the rather quiet manner on my Facebook and Twitter for the past week but I'm back now so........ uh..... actually that still doesn't make any difference. I have nothing else funny to say because the holidays left me and I am reeling from the bad taste of it. Okay, here's a comic.


Talk about coming home and seeing a bro in a compromising position.

Ok, Daryl didn't exactly pull down his pants or was half naked for this shenanigan as he was trying to avoid sexually harassing the poor dog. He actually had his pants on the whole time. He did fart the dog in the face back as revenge though.

Mocha wasn't exactly pleased by that. And Daryl isn't exactly please that I like to draw him pantsless all the freaking goddam time.

No homo. It's just for the lulz. No, seriously.

Have a great week ahead everyone!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Bro Long Story: Kidnapped, part 3

Happy Saturday everyone! I'm off early in the morning to see someone else get hitched so today's post is a bit early.

Onwards to the third part of "Daryl Gets Kidnapped!"

Haven't read the earlier parts? Here you go: PART 1, PART 2

Who are Daryl's captors?

And just like that we forgot about Daryl.

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kolam For Deepavali

Hey everyone! It's Thursday and it is a public holiday in Malaysia! Happy Awal Muharram to all my muslim friends! Everyone else, enjoy kicking back and taking the day off!

Just the previous Tuesday was a public holiday as well as it was Deepavali and strange enough, I came up with not only a wallpaper, but a comic too! So if you guys are still in the Deepavali mood, here is a comic that relates to it!

Every year during Deepavali, many designs of kolam can be seen everywhere, in shopping centers, in office buildings and in houses. Just in case you don't know what a kolam is, a kolam is a form of painting that is drawn using rice powder or chalk powder/white rock powder. I think it is an awesome style of painting and being the wannabe artsy bro, I decided to try out in creating my own kolam at home!

Here is what happened!

My kolam had masam manis smell after that.
I didn't fix my kolam after that. Jon and Daryl got their wish to clean up the whole thing after that. I just went to the corner and sulked.

They did it all excitedly. Sweeping colored rice really do make them happy for some reason.

Have a great weekend ahead and Happy Deepavali and happy holidays everyone!

I'm currently away on holiday right now, which explains why I have been rather quiet on social media these past few days. I will be back soon though! Stay tuned!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Deepavali 2012!

Hey happy Mondays everyone! Sorry for the later than usual posting as my Internet has only recently decided to cooperate with me (like 2 minutes ago) as it was down the ENTIRE FREAKING MORNING. This just shows that I require a really good and reliable internet speed at all times so that crap like this do not happen ever again. Anyone willing to sponsor me? *hint hint* I will sing your praises to whoever that is kind enough to grant me my wish.

Anyway, sorry if you guys have waited for so long the entire morning for a comic strip only to be disappointed because there is no comic strip today. That is only and only because tomorrow will be a public holiday in celebration of the festival of lights. Therefore, I have decided to come up with yet another special festive wallpaper as I am ALWAYS in the joyous holiday mood!

It may be a little early but it is only less than 24 hours away.

To all my readers celebrating, have a fantastic Happy Deepavali and to everyone else, happy holidays!

Want to download but don't have the size you want? Here are a few more:

Have a great one everybody! I'm off to yet another holiday so there might or might not be a comic this Thursday but do check back because who knows, I might just post one up anyway because I know you guys have nothing better to do. ;)

Have a great week ahead!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bro Long Story: Kidnapped, part 2

Good morning Saturday!

So you know what that means! We shall continue to our next three pages of my 24 paged comic! If you are new here and have no idea what is going on, I am posting my 24 paged comic, which I drew within 24 hours, by sets of 3 pages every week! What happens to Daryl after being followed?

Read the first 3 pages HERE

Who would Daryl see in the light?

Have a great Saturday ahead!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

My 24 Hour Comic Marathon, part 3

Hey everyone! Thursday is here once again! So is my tendency in stating the obvious! Weekend is near and holidays galore awaits you! Sorry, only if you are Malaysian.

Anyway, we continue from where we left off last time where Jon finally decides to not be forgetful and show up at my 24 Hour Comic marathon challenge at the National Visual Arts Gallery. Right off the bat upon his arrival he just can't help but to do something stupid and that was just only the beginning.

Here's the third part, and his continuation of his random shenanigans at my comic marathon.

Want to from the start of this story arc? Here: PART 1, PART 2

He really did ask me that. I totally did not see it coming.
Totally inappropriate. And gay.

Still, thank goodness he didn't ask me if I wanted a haircut.

No idea what Jon meant by 'happy ending'? Next time when you go to a massage spa, try asking the masseuse for a 'happy ending'. If you are lucky, you would get one. If you are not, you might just get thrown out or have the cops come after your ass.

Come to think of it, just don't ask for happy ending at the spa. Simple: Just ask someone who you think might know what 'happy ending' means.

God knows how I managed to complete my 24 pages with him around.


Have a great weekend ahead!

Monday, November 5, 2012

My 24 Hour Comic Marathon, part 2

Hey everyone! Monday is here but rejoice as next week we have holidays galore! So hang on to your pants for this one last week okays!

My pants keep dropping because my belt was stolen.

Had a wacky weekend where I had to go up to Awana Genting to give a short talk about my comics and I thanks the organisers and participants who so graciously patronized my lame jokes throughout my bullshit laden talk. And I wasn't even drunk. But thanks everyone who listened and clapped for me. It made me feel happy like a kid eating McDonalds for the very first time. A post on this soon maybe.

We continue from where we left off from the previous episode. Turns out my adventure at the 24 hours comic marathon didn't just end there. Jon eventually remembered to come (God knows how) and here is what ensued.

You can read the first 3 pages of my 24 pages of comic in 24 hours HERE.
A high stool. Why, bro, just why??
This actually happened. Of all chairs he had to grab a high stool and sit beside me. He was sticking out from the crowd and everyone just stared at him for a bit.

Jon just stared back. Sexily.

And that was only the beginning of Jon's randomness that night. To be continued maybe?

Sorry if this post isn't that funny and fails to tickle your funny bone. Drew this one with a stinging migraine bothering me throughout. When I am in pain, my comic doesn't make much sense.

I never make much sense to begin with anyway.

I promise the next one would be better.

Have a great week ahead!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bro Long Story: Kidnapped, part 1

Hey everyone! It is Saturday!

And it is time for an epic long story starting today!

If you have read the previous post, you would know that this post will be the first 3 paged set of my 24 paged (or more) comic from my 24 hour comic marathon! Just a recap, every Saturday from today I will be uploading 3 pages each weekend for your Saturday reading pleasure! This version will be slightly edited in order to maintain the usual quality of my drawing style but I will upload the unedited version once this entire story has run its course. Mainly because the unedited version looks like a super lazy version and I do not wish to hurt your eyes or ruin your Saturday.

Presenting the first Bro Long Story: Kidnapped.


Someone approaches!

Have a great Saturday ahead!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My 24 Hour Comic Marathon: Introduction and Preview

Woohoo! In a blink of an eye it is SPARTA Thursday. Weekend here we come!

Anyway, if you have been following this comic blog, or my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you would know that about two weekends ago, I took part in the annual international 24 Hour Comic Day where I attempted to draw a 24 paged comic within 24 hours. Sounds easy but it is extremely far from it. It takes a lot of willpower and psychology strength to attempt this challenge. After much psychological torment, I managed to complete my 24 pages and I felt like a total dinosaur sized champion. (The dinosaur size of a T-Rex, not those pathetic chicken sized ones)

Pictures of the event (and my ugly face) can be found HERE.

As promised and by the request of many, at the start of this month November (which is my favourite month of the year) I will be posting my 24 pages in sets of 3 pages every Saturday starting from this week! So now you will have confirmed comic postings from me every Saturday for 8 weeks starting from this coming weekend! The comic quality is rather shitty as rushing 24 pages in 24 hours is no joke. Will try to make some slight edits so that the comic doesn't put you off.

So, today's posting is an introduction and a small preview of what's to come every Saturday from now! But first, here's a comic of what I went through.


So typical of my bros.
This is not the only 'crazy' thing that happened. Other crazier stuff did occur, perhaps I will draw it out if I have the time.

Here's a a sneak preview! But if you have already followed me on Twitter and/or Instagram, you might have already seen these pictures and they are no surprise to you.

Why didn't I take newer pictures? Now why didn't I think of that.

Too late for that now.

Images taken from my Instagram hence the "super professional filtered" effect.
With Instagram, I can now pretend I am a professional poser photographer.

Stay tuned for this Saturday!