
Friday, December 12, 2014

I Cannot Stand It When My Friends Do This

Hey everyone! Friday random comic!

Why? Because I feel like it.

A short one though. Hope you guys like it!

I’m pretty sure we all have that one friend who is exactly like this.

Maybe he is busy? Ya. Sure. 'Busy'.
You have more than one? Ouch. Maybe it’s time to find new friends.

Apparently this situation is very, very normal on a daily basis.

I still can’t stand it anyway.

Tag a friend who is like this and let them know how awful they are.

But then that would make you awful for publicly shaming them.

QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT THOUGH! And totally unrelated to the topic above...

When I was much younger, there was this advertisement promoting a certain sitcom and it plays the song ‘Mamma Mia’. The song was so catchy that I can remember the song until today and I had no idea that it is actually a song for a musical! That song has been stuck in my head for the past 20 years.

When I was in the UK a couple of months back, I did see posters of this show all over the London subway stations and unfortunately I didn’t manage to catch the show while I was there as I wasted a lot of time stuffing my face with fish and chips. But now it has come to Malaysia! Such awesome fate! I didn’t go to the show and the show has come to me!

If you are into musicals you might want to check this one out! From 18-21 December 2014 at the Plenary Hall in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center and there will only be 7 shows! That shows how limited the seats are! Mamma mia! (See what I did there?)

Hurry and get your tickets now! TICKETING LINK HERE!

Now I have no excuse on missing this show the second time. So do you.

Have a great weekend ahead!


  1. And when the phone is out of battery or the place has bad 3G coverage, they want to go back home

  2. haha, mamamia, i saw that back in London~ XD
