
Friday, December 19, 2014

The Instagram Cleanup

Hey everyone!

What's up? More like what's down as follower count for many Instagram profiles have dropped in the direction which is the direct opposite of up.

Why? Well, in case you are not living in the world of social media because you actually have a life, Instagram has recently went on a cleaning spree in removing spam and bot accounts from Instagram hence many Instagram users have been seeing massive slashes in the follower count and there are a handful of people who aren't too happy with it. Especially those who are a bit too obsessed with the amount of followers they have and those who have follower count targets to achieve.

Here's my depiction of the scenario for those targets which was dashed at the very last minute in 2014.

Instagram effectively gave a lot of people a big fat NOPE.
This comic is dedicated to one of my photographer friend, Jeremy from rice | photo. Do check him out! He takes amazing pictures.

In the aftermath of the cleanup, people were playing the game of comparing who has lost more followers.

It is a game where nobody wins.

Have a great weekend ahead and may your follower count overcomes this setback and continue to grow in the great effort to inflate all of our egos!

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