Hey everyone! Monday is here! But it is also a special day for the "Bro, don't like that la, bro" series!
In case you hadn't knew, today marks the third year anniversary of the comic series! Finally we are three years old!
I feel old.
Thanks for following the comic series this whole while no matter when you first started reading. Even though you may have only read one strip the entire time but that still means something to me. Thanks for the comments, the likes, the shares, the feedback, the cheekiness you guys pour into my email and comment boxes. At least for three whole years, thanks for not making me feel like I have been talking to the wall with my comics and I am glad that you have been enjoying this sort of self deprecating humour at the expense of the bros. Thank you all very much for being part of this journey with me and hopefully I will never stop churning out comics for your entertainment.
I didn't figure out what to do this year as I have been pretty busy so I shall just give you guys a special massive edition comic like I have done for every year.
Here is the story of one particular universal razor.
That horrible moment when I found out that my razor was a 'toilet prostitute' all along. |
Some translation in case Google Translate fails you:
Frame6: "Yes! Like this la only sexy!"
Frame7: "Woh! Looks like jungle!"
Frame9: "Woohoo! Beautiful macho and shiny!"
That horrible realisation. I swear to God. Never again.
Careful when you live with your friends. What you put on your face might have been elsewhere far far away.
Okay now for some announcements:
Now I know I missed a Thursday posting last week and I have received some emails asking me what happened and some even asked if I was okay. Don't worry as I am totally fine and I thank you guys for the concern.
Here's the thing, I have been immensely busy as my schedule just got extremely crazy this month. Therefore, in order to clarify things and to avoid me dying in my own pool of Red Bull infused blood due to extreme exhaustion, for the next two to three weeks, new comic postings shall be temporarily reduced to Mondays only but old comics will still be posted as usual on the
Facebook page. That means no Thursday comics for at least two to three weeks from today.
Before you guys grab your pitchforks and prepare to storm my house, I just want you guys to know that it is not that I am doing something else and slowly ditching this series. It is because I am working on something awesome for this comic series and I hope when it comes out, it will be totally worth your time. Yours and mine. A lot of blood, tears, sweat and HP are being invested in that project right now and I hope you guys can be patient for a little while more as it loads.
In the mean time,
HAPPY THREE YEARS OLD to my dearest comic. And thank you all very much for reading! Keep the love and the support and stay amazing!
Have an awesome week ahead.
"Like that only ah? How you gonna celebrate the third year bro?"
"Maggi goreng and video games."