Monday, November 29, 2010

Where's My Handphone, Bro?

This is an incident which really happened for real when I was out shopping with my bro, Jamus along with another stoner bro friend of mine, Damien. Absent mindedness is an enemy we are faced with everyday but I believe technology is the real enemy. Why?

Sometimes technology gets the better of us.

click to enlarge

Jamus, you win this round.

Has this ever happen to you before? Please say no so I can make Jamus look bad here.


  1. I really lol'ed at this one... got this kind of people also kah?

    1. <--- one of them

    2. <--- Another one of them... #TeamJamus

  2. haha.. yes.. apparently a lot of ppl experience this before :D

  3. did happen to me once - my spectacles. searching for it while wearing it.


  4. @neorackle: lol really? i guess sometimes we get our blur moments and forget where we actually put our stuffs!

  5. i like the details you put into illustrating the graphics.. even the 'gray people figure' at the background changes.. good effort :)

  6. wow! u got a sharp eye for detail! yeah details are good but time consuming. i hope u dont catch the errors i've made in my strips! lol thanks for the compliments though!

  7. boleh faham la cari spek.. topi.. tapi fon?? yg dia sedang guna?? it's like finding a car key while u're driving..

    terbaik la jamus!

  8. @brat2104: haha yeah! jamus memang terbaek!! recently he did this again! WHILE SMS'ING!!!

  9. Yeah, it's kinda hard to see your specs just sitting there on the table if you're not wearing them =.= haha~

    But, yes, this is totally LOL xD

  10. @liz: haha yeah he actually recently did it again! he and handphones memang tak ada jodoh one...

  11. This happens to me for several times. Not only on phone but other things too. When i can't find my pen which apparently i use it as a clip to tie my hair, i scold my bro.

    Last few weeks, i searching my hp like hell and almost heartattack that i tot i lost it in my bag, i was actually holding it. Damn

  12. short term memory lost....banyak makan semut nih

  13. Very Funny Comic! I found this at HR Hair Removal GmbH, when i visit there for body sugaring. I found and read the comic and laughed alone.:)

  14. That mini heart attack when you reach your pocket and didn't find your phone in there.

  15. ...interesting, now I have idea if something like this happens to me... :)
