Monday, December 6, 2010

It's Getting Hot in Here

Monday is here once again! Another new comic strip for those who have been patient! Here you go! (Does anyone actually read the text I write? Or do you guys just go ahead to the comic?)

I might have a feeling that Jon might be either having suicidal or homicidal tendencies, or both. Here is why:

click to enlarge

Jon is still very much alive. Just in case you are wondering.


  1. Great one Ernest.. Its comical. :-)

  2. jon got a death wish ~ hahaha =)

  3. hahaha...nice...and...i do read the text...XD

  4. Haha... Jon takda pasal cari pasal...

  5. LOL! thanks guys! i seriously thought this strip was not gonna be that funny! glad u guys loved it!

  6. I read ur text what :D

    this is serious LOL

  7. thanks una! now at least i know that some ppl still do read the text:D yeah this happened. jon wanted to murder us all

  8. i read ur text.

    jon is sengal la.. tapi tetap suka dia.. haha

  9. @brat2104: wah brat you comment everywhere! I LIKE! haha! yeah he sometimes ada gila sikit but we all love him belly belly much! (in a non gay way) thanks for reading the text too! :D

  10. Read the text too! It gives the context to the comic. Makes it funnier! :P

  11. @liz: really? lol im glad my writings are humourous as well :) thanks liz!

  12. Lol'ed at "GILA BABI HOT WEI!!!" XD

    And yes I do read the texts. Although most of the times my eyes focus on the comic first, then I read the texts. Hahaha...

  13. damn crazy that jon. really can dia wo if too hot. luckily all of you still alive. if not, this blog will be abandon. ;p
