Monday, February 28, 2011


And we thought we would never see a comic upload this week. Sorry guys I'm late today! Had a hectic weekend and honestly I almost forgotten about Monday's usual routine. (No, not really. I just have no consistent access to the Internet as usual. Damn you Internet!)

Anyhow, the story this week actually happened for real. (well, everything in this series so far happened for real) Seriously, I have no idea how random Jon can be.

*click to enlarge*
Jon only left the window when the couple walked off without finishing their food.

Talk about awkward.

I guess hunger just took over his bodily function.


Ok, that's about it. (Somehow, this entry feels kinda half assed. Hope you guys will never see a half assed comic from me.)


  1. if it was me,he would have been flying away from the glass windows.

    Potong stim org nak makan,demmit..

  2. LOL! haha yes i know memang potong stim kao kao...
    but if he would have been flying, means u would have to pay for the damages to the restaurant! not very cost effective to justify urself to be eating in peace :(

  3. OMG, so freakyyyy~ haha They must have been totally freaked out by Jon! xD

  4. @liz: haha i might have exaggerated in this comic. jon did not stare at the couple that long. but it was long enough to be weird and creepy.

  5. i wonder what it be like if the comic takes place at a T-bowl restaurant..
