Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy (Belated) Mother's Day!

So yesterday was Mother's Day (in Malaysia). Hope you guys had a great weekend with your mothers or if you didn't spend time with your mother I guess perhaps it's still not too late to still wish that most important woman in your life. It's the thought that counts right? Or maybe you could use one of the methods shown in today's comic!

Here's a mother's day special strip for you guys! Did any of you try any of these methods to celebrate your mothers?

How extreme are you to show your love?
Ok I admit maybe this is not that funny as it was a ridiculously last minute idea but hope you guys like it!

Special thanks to a friend of the bros for giving this special idea at 1am this morning! Super thanks!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. lol...I think it's funny.. :D

  2. lol thanks kiuk! i feel better now :D

  3. i juz lol after reading your comic.. i dunno why..

  4. haha beesan lucky u lol le! if not means my lawak tak jadi...

  5. Jadi lar ernest. it is funny. and i LOL-ed in SEGI's computer lab. all the students were like wtf.

  6. @pouleen: lol! thanks! glad u <3 this :D
    @chaperone1986: perfect? really? wow appreciate that :) thanks!
    @mama hani: i seriously thought this was too last minute to be funny! thanks for the encouraging words:)
    @aJ: nvm laugh louder. then ask them come and see.
    thanks a lot guys for all the support! wouldnt have the drive to keep drawing these silly comics without you guys!

  7. u did nothing for ur mom? or it isnt listed in here?
