Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Damned Hot Weather

Good Tuesday folks! I am back! Here's a strip! (a comic strip, not a striptease. If you want one, you can ask one of the other bros. One in particular would oblige.)

Here is another series of "Know Your Bros Better"! Is it me or is it really hot lately? This comic's topic might seem a little familiar if you read this particular post from my friend's cartoon blog: the EggYolks. Check them out! They are a cute couple from Kuching:) Just in case you are wondering; No, I didn't intend to steal this idea from them. It is just an idea I had quite some time ago but they talked about it before I did. Anyways, here's my version of it!

So which is the best method?

Daryl is gonna kill me again after this.


  1. i would try your method.. if that's worse - at most turn on the aircon :)

  2. sit still and think of nothing but "it is cold... it is cold"? hahah!

  3. haha jon one wont too cold for him ? LOL!

  4. the best of all, the-back-to-basic-way

  5. The last one is the best!!! Go natural~

  6. hahaha...bro that out fuck tub??

  7. @ken: y not try daryl's method? lol make sure no one else at home tho.
    @pouleen: thanks pouleen. have u tried any of these methods before?
    @ladyviral: lol how many stars is ur method?
    @greenie: that u have to ask him. but he seems ok with it...
    @una: back-to-basic = go naked? lol indeed that is the best!
    @kelvin: yeap! natural! free and easy! just the way daryl likes it!
    @shamus: haha bro u noticed!! i was expecting you to notice it! yes! thats the "fuck tub"! LOL

  8. Jon looks like a perfume model in that pose... Tough naked man in a bathtub filled with ice... "Glace" by Ernest Ng.
    lolz... damn, I sound like a ghey....

    Jamus' shirt reads 'Smart'... oh, the irony.

    p/s: again n again... Jamus in angry mood. O.O Sure he's not scary?

  9. @sumbuddy: haha! like model?!! u made his day... dont worry if u think u sounded gay. its nothing compared to the homo eroticism in the house that we go thru on a daily basis.

    dont u realise jamus's shirt ALWAYS says 'smart'? haha
    no he is not scary. trust me...

  10. I did realize that... but in this particular comic, it becomes an irony. XD

    Shouting angrily at the weather. Smart indeed. lolz.

  11. I tried going naked... XD true story.

    Also, Jon's chest very da sexay~~~ coming back to check his chest out, again. XD

  12. @sumbuddy: hahaha! yeah thats true! lol great observation!
    @pouleen: u serious? was it awkward or effective? lol! jon's chest in real life is memang the sexay! u are always welcomed to check his chest out! lol

  13. bwuahahahahah XD i can't stop laughing XUX

  14. @rascat: laughter the best medicine! :D thanks!!!!

  15. Hahaha! Well, Effectiveness : None :P.

    I tried going naked before too... Effectiveness : none xD but of course I was going around naked... so no awkwardness xD

  16. @ladyviral: lol means u still feel hot la! hmmm... apparently some of my readers like going naked during the hot weather. daryl is proud:P

  17. Ahaha, I think all of us secretly wanna go naked, if possible! I know I do! It's freakin' HOT!!!! >.<

  18. @liz: well the difference is that we secretly want to do it but end up not doing it. daryl on the other hand, WILL GO NAKED if he wants to.

  19. i really wanna meet daryl...he seems so cute and always *tettttttttttttttttttttttt* hehehhehehehe

  20. once used Shamus's method but got scold by my parents for electric bill shoots up like a crazy....would probably use your method and my own-took a shower 3-4 times a day, like an ancient egyptians did XD
