Thursday, December 15, 2011

Know Your Bros Better: One Saturday Night Out

Hey everybody! Sorry for the slight delay in today's posting. Encountered a small hiccup along the way. Crisis averted and I still manage to have today's comic up by today!

This time we revisit a favourite series of the comic, the "Know Your Bros Better" series where if you are familiar with it, I drew on random topics such as instant noodles, sleeping styles, mothers, fathers, teachers, exams and a few more others. I know I haven't done this one in a while so here it is again. It might be slightly different conceptually though but I hope you enjoy it all the same.

So, we're just about 2 weeks away till the year 2011 ends (I actually had an awesome 2011 so far) and around this time of the year, events and parties are thriving like nobody's business and everyone is just getting out there to get their party on before they welcome in the year 2012.

In conjuction of the year end party season, here's another "Know Your Bros Better" and it is all about parties! On one Saturday night.

New word of the day: 'Batang' figuratively means 'penis'
And synonym for 'batang' is 'sausage'.

It was rather strange that we encountered so many types of parties within one night.

What kind of party do you usually frequent?

It's usually a "batang party" everyday in the bros household.

Have a great weekend everyone and get your party on!


  1. that's what the clubs normally tell to attract customers to come. It will normally ended up with loads of guys more than girls. LOL

  2. how about slumber party......? heheheheh u guys shud organize one!

  3. I wonder what kinda party this sat will be like^^ NAPBAS?

  4. ernest's " i feel someone's dick is touching me.." got me laughing !! sure kesian to youlah ernest ..

  5. hahahaha so true...the dick part is so connected to the last post

  6. havent encountered such a problem.. but i guess it's a party for each one of you eh? :P

  7. Hahaha.. Thanks alot for the interpretation of the words.. I always learn something new from you..

  8. Hahaha so pity meh? Stay at home better LOL

  9. Eh?? how come I missed this? I MISSED THIS?? oh yeah~ I was working from morn till night straight and didn't even think about internet even once. lol~ But well, better late than never XD

    Emmmmmmm.. Party is a subject that is quite foreign to me. I will never be 'old' enough to go to one~ :p
