Monday, April 30, 2012

Eat More, Grow More

Good morning everyone! How is the blue settling in? No worries. Tomorrow is the 1st of May and you're on holiday and you know it. Labour Day! Just relax and enjoy this one day whether you are at work or not.

Remember when you are young and your mom tells you to eat more so you can grow? Did you really believe in that at that time? I didn't which makes me totally regret it now. Now I eat like a monster in hopes that I can still grow.

That same regret still takes place in me.

Jon still gives out that advice to the bros occasionally. Only his is slightly...different.

Oh, such grand disappointment.
Why the hell did Daryl listen to such nonsense anyway??

That is single-handedly the most ridiculous thing Jon would say. One could actually wonder how what really goes on in Jon's head.Who in their right mind would ever believe that?

*takes an extra scoop of rice*

Once again, just a friendly reminder, I am currently taking part in this year's Digi Wwwow Awards and therefore I would like everyone here to help me vote for this comic series. Big thanks for your undying love and support for this silly little series!


Don't forget to vote for me once a day! Your help is deeply appreciated!

No obligations. Seriously. Do vote for me only if you think I really deserve it.

Remember: Knife Man is always watching.

*Haha. Just kidding. Of course I won't stab you. Haha.*

Have a great week ahead!


  1. hahaha, hope it would grow....but everytime eat more, my tummy grow instead (T.T)

  2. LOL! Is he bottomless in the final panel!?

  3. I still got that phrase up till now, for 25 years of my life. From mom, aunties, uncles bla bla bla...

    Certainly not the d*ck la~ obviously. Where & how did Jon formulate the idea?

  4. of all the nonsense daryll could listen... there's no such thing as penis growth spurt. LOL

  5. HAHAHAHA! how about girls?? boobies grow bigger when eat more? LOLOLLLL

    1. why eat?

      Fabric and design are important factors in distance traveled. Elastic fabric allows the breast to move more. Choosing between an encapsulation design, in which the cups are separated, or a compression design, where they are hugged close to the body, can also affect breast motion. An encapsulation design further reduces motion because two smaller masses are easier to control than one large one. "Also, if you have a really high neckline, the breasts won't fly up," Lawson said. So I was in the market for an elastic, compression-style bra with a low neckline. Sexy!
      Of course, even a bra that perfectly maximized motion (without sacrificing support and comfort) would be useful to me only if there were a way to turn that motion into energy. For a primer on how to do that, I turned to Professor Zhong Lin Wang of Georgia Tech, who is currently working to develop fabric made from nanowires that will capture energy from motion. Wang's wires are about 1/1,000th the width of a human hair. When woven together in a fabric, these nanowires rub up against one another and convert the mechanical energy from the friction into an electric charge. According to Wang, the fabric is cheap to produce and surprisingly efficient; his team hopes to use it to create energy-generating T-shirts and other articles of clothing. A square meter of fiber produces about 80 milliwatts of power, which is enough to run a small device like a cell phone. Wang expects to have a shirt available for purchase within five years.

      want something miracles..?

      lemme check first

  6. LOL ..
    well at least Daryl do not give up on the growth of his short bro....
    ganbatteh.. dont give up easily shorty..

  7. Interesting~ This calls for a very interesting experiment indeed~~ XD

  8. Wey Bro, Daryl need my ebook?? Ha ha ha ha.. :D..Sure got Black people d*ck liao.. :p

  9. N to think daryl will be the one trolling jon. Hahah!!!

  10. Then, does it work for girls (boobs)? xD

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