Thursday, July 12, 2012

When A Hot Chick Winks At You

Hello Thursday! Brace yourselves! Weekend is coming! For a moment there I thought it was actually Monday but then I realised that something was wrong. I was THIS close to making myself look like an idiot on the Internet.

Oh wait. I already have.

Anyway, I have one question. What do you do when a random hot person of the opposite sex just suddenly winks at you? How do you react to it? Does it happen often for you? Most importantly, what happens after that?

That is not one question. That is a few already.

Shut up, bro.

Here is a situation when a random hot chick decides to wink at one of the bros on one really random day.

Wah. You lucky you.
That really awkward moment when that wink wasn't actually for you.
It was an awkward silent ride home after that.
Shamus promptly went into his usual corner upon reaching home.

Poor guy.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Wah, you lucky you!


  1. LOL XD shuoold sing call me maybe already ~

  2. I know you hate this song but.... what the heck: "Hey I just met you, and this is crazy! But here's my number. Call me maybe?" LOL! XP

    1. Ui? You read about the Bros too? xD wakaka Small world! ;)

  3. Hmm...I don't give wink and neither have I received them. So would it work with smile?

  4. hahaha... Shamus perasan sial :p btw, did Jon CALL her? Or he ... *ahem ahem ahem* NO BALL? @.@

  5. Jon is a jackass...Shamus too polite to say F**k you only...hahahaha

  6. wait i thought shamus have a girlfriend already!

  7. wow.. i think this is something quite often happen to john? HAHAHAAHHA

  8. Poor Shamus.. :D.. Well, here's your bro in this area Shamus.. but not now.. not after I'm AFRO Aki.. :p

  9. Hey Ernest. I just met you. I know this is crazy. Here is my number. Call me maybe. *wink*

  10. Jon is fit one and fairer... no wonder la that girl prefer him over Shamus. No need to butthurt, Shamus.

    Oh wait, I think I made him even more butthurt.

  11. Then again Jon really good looking lor. Like those koreans

  12. me oso wanna kena wink? ahahha :X

    what is the content on the namecard? :P

  13. Kesian Shamus lorrrr. haha~ Jon some more so clueless! hahaha~

  14. hahaha tu la perasan lebih lagi.
