Monday, August 27, 2012

CONTEST: AXE Anarchy Island Getaway

Hey and it's Monday. The blues experienced today is incomparable to the other usual Mondays as most of us Malaysians have just only got back from a week long holiday. Welcome back to reality guys!

Anyway, today's comic will be a contest entry of mine in an attempt to win an island getaway trip to the Caribbeans (so I can be a pirate)  where the seas are blue and the chicks aplenty. This island getaway trip with international DJs, hot celebs and again, chicks is proudly brought to you by AXE and it is not something you would want to miss. With such awesomeness in store for me should I win this contest, I MUST beef up my knowledge on how to get the ladies and increase my chances with the ladies!

I need to know more than just doing the Gangnam Style to get the ladies' attention.

AXE is kind enough to be organizing this 'little' contest where you have to tell people how are you going to charming and suave to get the attention of the members from the opposite sex! Telling people what to do is easy. Let the bros tell you what NOT to do.

Because sometimes we do these. Seriously, it blows. Just don't do these.

The bros really do suck at getting the girls.
I swear to the high heavens that I will never do these or else I'll never have a chance anymore with the ladies.

Not helpful enough? Here is a simple step by step video of the bros teaching you how to score the ladies!

Yep. Still not helpful.

PLEASE AXE! Just send me to this island getaway trip! I need to look at girls clad in bikinis so I can suffer from nasal bleeding this getaway trip (which I can only afford in my imagination) because I have been working so hard and I could really use a break!

Ok. That seems like the most  legitimate, generic, and politically correct reason. That should do it.

But no seriously, give it to me. Or knife man comes for you.

Stabby stab stab.
You can't say no when there's a knife involved, AXE.

Not sure if I just increased or blew my holiday chances with that threatening gesture.

More details for the contest can be found HERE!


Have a great week ahead!


  1. amount of boobs is too damn high again!!! awesome!!

  2. DO NO tell her about your geek hobbies...

    ...unless she has the same geek hobbies as you.

  3. Haha good luck on the contest bro!

  4. Bro. you forgot the star ranking! hehhehe..
    But yeah, please do not do this.
    although, some girls find geekiness kinda cute XD

    1. Thank girlfie find my nerdiness and geekiness kinda cute and sexy..hahahaha

  5. hahah, once again "knife man" is being used.... all the best bro!


  6. Can't help but notice all the female characters have ample cleavage

  7. Good luck Ernest...shoot some photos of girls clad in bikinis so I and u can suffer from nasal bleeding ok? hahhaha

  8. I've gotta do the Daryl-got-balls-question! =D

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Good luck for the contest!
    I have loads of Yu Gi Oh! cards though xD

  11. Good luck Ernest :)) ahahahahah Pokemon cards

  12. It's in the bag! Totally! *stabby stab stab* xD
    All the best! ;) Bring back a souvenir for me! :D

  13. the last pic is funny.. Nuffnang.. be careful..

    all the best in the contest :)

  14. Wahahaha!So lawak that video.I watch that video two times edy
