Monday, February 4, 2013

Toilet Paper Problem

Hey happy Mondays everyone! Time to get back to that life sucking routine that we all hate so much.

I need more coffee.

Ever had this problem where you go to the toilet to do your big investment business only to find out that there is no more toilet paper? Well, that problem would escalate if you have friends like the bros.

Jon, the most evil troll ever.
Did your housemates ever do this to you before?

For me, it only got worse ten minutes later.

No one came to my rescue.
Come to think of it. It could have been worse if I were in a public toilet.

Thank goodness I never use public toilet.

Nah I'm kidding. I do.

Have a great week ahead!

UPDATE: Perhaps I should have mentioned that I am one of those types of people who still needs toilet paper to clean my ass. And also the type of person who doesn't know how to use water for ass cleaning unless I have an awesome bidet which I don't.


  1. There is no water?

    1. got. but i am those type of people who die die also must use toilet paper. and no I do not know how to use water for ass cleaning. yes. such people exist.

    2. Clench your hole tight tight, pinch the end of the hose for max cleansing power, aim, spray away. :P

  2. what she says.
    I'm the kind who won't use a toilet if there is no water.
    I feel it's unhygienic. hehehh...

    1. im the exact opposite of that.

    2. exact opposite being you won't use water as u feel using it is unhygenic?

  3. Replies
    1. i am the type of people who doesnt know how to wash with h20 unless there is a bidet.

  4. yea. worse come to worse, use water to clean it

    1. mati mati pun kene ada toilet paper bro. tak sah kalau takda. haha

  5. no water? c'mon la... even kids can think of that.

    1. there are such people who doesnt know how to use water. such people exist. such people is me.

    2. i'm one of the such people too! cutie compact supporter!XD

  6. Use one hand to wipe thoroughly and then wash it at the basin, dried it off at Jon's bed sheet.

    1. that is awfully disturbing. and cruel. but yet a good revenge tactic.

  7. so next time make sure to double checked the toilet paper before you go for your investment biz. my friend did encounter this situation once. luckily he knows how to use water.

  8. same here. I am a toilet paper person. Using water just makes everything all wet.

  9. erm, finally meet someone who don't use public toilet. :) but will use it only if utterly urgent. :)

  10. And here I was thinking I'm the kind of people who die die must use bidet, who die die do not know how to use the toilet paper. Bcoz I was toilet trained that way.
    I suffer when there is no water. T.T..

  11. well, what ever is it... I kind of must-have-both-paper-and-water :P clean it using water first, dry it usnig toilet paper then, isn't the best way??

  12. Used to be a toilet-paper person. Until I used the bidet. Wayyyyyy better, and feels wayyyyyy cleaner! :p You can always wash, then wipe later ;)
