Friday, March 29, 2013

Spoiler Alert

Hey guys! Sorry for the delayed post which was supposed to be up yesterday. I was out from early morning till late evening and had no chance to be in front of the computer.

Yes I know it's already Friday. I love Fridays. They are the awesomest day of the week next to Saturday.

So, today's comic is about something that usually happens when there is a new movie out and Shamus somehow got to see it first and he just loves doing this shit.

You know what I mean. And I hate it.

Right at the start of the movie.
Freaking bastard.

Of course the movie in question is not exactly "I am Legend". I'm only using it as an example because I didn't want to use a recent movie in case you haven't watched it yet and I spoiled it for you in my comic. See? I am way more considerate than that troll Shamus.

"But you just spoiled the ending of "I am Legend" in today's comic bro. There are people who haven't watched it yet."

Unless, well, you haven't watched the movie "I am Legend".

Oh God, I am becoming Shamus.

We will always have THAT one friend, won't we?

The one who spoils movie endings for you.

Kill him/her while you can. OR just make sure you watch all movies first before he/she ever does. And take sweet revenge.

Have a great weekend ahead!


  1. cant wait for after earth tho! :P

  2. Such a long ago movie. Did he die? I forgot seriously

  3. Bro u wanna know the end of g.i joe

  4. Bro u wanna know the end of g.i joe

    1. I want to know the ending if you did spoil it for him again. lol

  5. But you know, according to a study (the link is really boring, so here's an article of 4 other things that make you enjoy movies more. It's quite interesting.) spoilers actually enhance the movie experience.

    The theory is that, if you know the ending, you're much more inclined to relax and immerse yourself in the story rather than asking what happens every time.

    Here's the link :

    1. oh that's interesting! I guess it makes sense too! But I'd still rather watch it twice than get spoilers.

  6. I haven't watch the movie... lol..

    Thanks for the need to watch dy...haha

  7. spoiler alert! I haven't watch I Am Legend yet.

  8. I haven't watched yet. Now that I know the hero died, I don't feel like watching at all... :( hahha

  9. Homai .. Shamus, did u want to know the end og G I Joe? Lemme tell ya. Haha :P

  10. There 2 ver on the I am Legend ending.

    1. International ver: Will Smith died in the end & the vaccine was taken to the free zone territory.

    2. US ver: Smith didn't died & together went with the survivors to the free zone territory.

    For G.I 2 ending,pls refer to

  11. A little something, Duke died in the first part of the movie. Main Bad guy commander escapes.

  12. I'd love to be Shamus, can get POPCORN!!

  13. haha I actually haven't watch it yet! But it's okay I don't really plan to watch it.

  14. OMG, I super hate spoilers! I even do that for series and sitcoms! "Hey, you know in How I Met Your Mother, Ted and---" and I'll go "LALALALALALLALALAAAAAA~" while covering my ears! @.@ Beh tahan.

  15. OMG, I hate spoilers! >.< I do that with series and sitcoms too! "Eh, you know in How I Met Your Mother, Ted and---" and I go, "LALALALALLALALLALAAAAAA~" while covering my ears! Beh tahan.
