Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Five Benefits of Haze

Hey everyone! It is Tuesday.

Yes I know. I apologize for the delay as I had to be somewhere early yesterday morning and the fact that it took me quite awhile to finish this particular strip due to my indecisiveness and the fact that coffee no longer works for me.

So if you are living in Malaysia, Singapore and certain parts of Indonesia, you may already realise this yearly phenomenon where the skies are shrouded with dust and ash. Yes I am talking about the haze. You don't know anything about it? It's either you are a liar or trapped in a sealed underground bunker since World War 2 somewhere in a forgotten island in the middle of the South China Sea and the fact that you are reading this using the amazing technology of the internet from there is utterly impressive.

I may have detoured from my point a bit.

So, many are complaining about the discomfort that the haze has brought upon us and I agree with that notion that this haze is an unnecessary yearly torture but nothing has ever been done for the past God knows how many years so I guess I could at least try to find something good about the haze before it drives me to the point of insanity.

Here are the five 'probable benefits' of the haze.

Daryl doesn't even need MC. He doesn't work.
Daryl works in the strangest of ways.

I know another benefit would be that there is no school, but then it wouldn't apply to those who are working. Being a school kid must be awesome during these hazy times.

Drink more water, stay indoors and stop open burning.

Have a great 'hopefully haze-free' weekend.



  1. my neighbour also burning la,but i smell nothing ==

  2. and less nyamuks :D i think. kalau ada pun nyamuk mabuk.

    1. that is actually very true. but nyamuks aint such a nuisance to me even on regular days haha

  3. I'm concerned about the birds! will they feel sick? they can't wear a mask like we do :/

    1. There were pictures of pigeons lying on the ground shared in FB. Dead or sick not sure, but I don't see birds so frequently near office area at PJ either. What about pets?

    2. ive also seen pictures of cats lying on the ground shared on FB. not sure if its true or not also but admitted there is less birds in the sky these days

    3. the birds hide themselves in their houses? haha I'm so curious!

  4. The cats around my place are still doing pretty well. Got a Malay aunties take care of them.

    1. thats good to know. the poor animals cant really protect themselves

  5. U sure Daryl isnt an alien? Have you gotten him checked? hahaha...

    1. im pretty sure all the bros are aliens. not just daryl.

  6. Not really fun for kids. Cancelled school now means there will be replacement in the future. During our days, we don't bother with replacement. but now. it just means that they will lose another Saturday. lol

    1. that is actually true. i hate replacement classes as a school kid.

  7. Replies
    1. i had to check after you said that and you are absolutely right!

      have they all died?

  8. n95 mask out of stock and surgical mask price increase RM1 instantly... some tend to benefit from all this disaster. Sigh

    1. definitely there will be some who benefits the most during the crisis. where to buy n95 masks anyway?

  9. and copslay the silent hill XD

    1. haha yeah! i would love to see some pyramid heads roaming the streets!

  10. Replies
    1. haha i dont even know what chibaku tensei means. my jutsu not as high level as urs.

      im didnt pass my chuunin exams :(

  11. I think I will follow Daryl's way XD
    But yea, drink more water, take care! :)

  12. As always, Darryl's would always be the most entertaining of all.

    I love that you are actually posting about the benefit of the haze. I feel like it's once in a lifetime 'wonders' and just let is pass because we can't exactly control the atmosphere.
    And stop blaming each other.

  13. u replied as Ernest and not bro?

    anyway, Daryl is freaking cool...haha

  14. Googled 'KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU' - i'm a fangirl like that.
    Not a Naruto fan, but a Bro-fangirl ;)
    Found out what superpower Ernest wants!

  15. True.. hope haze go off quickly.

  16. Hahahaha! love the Kage Bunshin box! Ask shamus to buy 3 units for me also! i've been trying to find that small air purifier cannot find!
