Monday, July 8, 2013

Guest Artist: Ms. Bulat

Hello it's Monday once again and we should all simultaneously punch him in the face.

Thank goodness I am still alive after a brutal weekend. If you have been following me on Facebook you would know what I am talking about.

Anyway, we are still on guest artist month and today we have Estee a.k.a. Ms. Bulat from!

If guest artist content isn't your thing, don't worry as I will still post bro comics on the Facebook page.

In the mean time, here is Ms. Bulat's version of a bro comic!

This really happened in real life. Pizza is more important to Jon.
I really like Estee's style of drawing!

Got to know her via other comic bloggers and only met her for the first time during a movie screening and she said she was too stunned when she first saw me. She has a really cute personality and I really appreciate the fact that she and her awesome other half, Rocky, who came all the way to the National Art Gallery to give me wings (that one energy drink) during my 24 hour comic challenge.

Do check her out:!

Have a great week ahead!


  1. reminds me of...little chinese vampires

  2. cute and funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ahaha, her style is cute and "bulat" xD

  4. Truth be told, if they were giving out free Domino's pizza, I'd be like Jon too. XD
