Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Damned Autopay Machine

Hey everyone! How's Tuesday so far?

Sorry today's post got delayed yet again. Busy schedule had landed me in unpredictable situations and my body clock has officially gone out of whack.

I hate autopay machines for parking sometimes. When it was first introduced I was intimidated by the entire concept of a machine handling your parking ticket payments. Yes I am that old that I used to experience paying for my parking ticket to a guy behind the counter.

Yes and I was that stupid as well.

Many years have gone past and now autopay machines is the absolute norm whenever you visit a shopping center or a building. Now there is one thing I hate about them machines.

It is this.

And I am pretty sure a lot of people go through this damn dilemma.
It was like winning at a jackpot machine. Only except you lose.
I'm pretty certain you read parts of the comic in the autopay machine voice.

The other thing I hate about this machine is that when there is a long line of people behind you and you have to move at 1000 kilometres per hour and each time the machine rejects your stupid note you feel like punching a baby because it is not your fault that the machine doesn't like your money and that stops you from proceeding any further and people are getting annoyed behind you.

Even more infuriating is if you get stuck behind a person who doesn't seem to know how to operate the machine and that person takes forever trying to figure it out and gets angry when you try to help.

It's diabolical.

I just hate autopay machines.

What's your autopay machine story?

Have a great week ahead!


  1. REALLY?!awww poor him, I never try it before XD LOL

    1. you better not. picking up after coins is always a shitty experience haha

  2. A lot of machines give change in notes now though. Truth be told, it's a hassle to get like even five or six Ringgit in coins. Can't imagine RM48...

  3. ok, RM50 is kinda too much, i tried paying with RM10 for a RM5 ticket, and yeah, all the damn coins are indeed annoying!!!

    1. yeah. coins are annoying because picking them up is absolutely awkward because you have to bend forward for the longest time to the demise of the person lining up behind you

  4. The bad news for me is that this happened once. The good news is that it wasn't an autopay machine. It was a vending machine.

  5. i am glad you did read it in that voice.

    "thank. you. for. your. visit."

  6. saw a an old man trying to put the ticket in the part where you put in the dollar note. he kept on shoving it in until i pointed out where the ticket was suppose to go and he realize and reacted pretty shy, and quickly get things over and ran for his life.

  7. The next worst thing is to line up really long only to get to the machine and...it only takes coins. ONLY. And you have none because...no one carries all that coins right?! ><

  8. The next worst thing is to line up really long only to get to the machine and...it only takes coins. ONLY. And you have none because...no one carries all that coins right?! ><

  9. The next worst thing is to line up really long only to get to the machine and...it only takes coins. ONLY. And you have none because...no one carries all that coins right?! ><

  10. The next worst thing is to line up really long only to get to the machine and...it only takes coins. ONLY. And you have none because...no one carries all that coins right?! ><

  11. OMG! I totally get you! Pfffftttttt =.=

  12. it make me feel like i won a jackpot on slot machine

  13. You purposely made us hear it in the lady's voice kan?

  14. Who puts RM50 into an auto-pay machine? 0_0 Tried it with a RM10.. and it was total hell..

  15. This is like the most relatable thing in the world.in the world.

  16. Gawd. I felt so much rage remembering all the 'happy' times at autopay machines. "It's raining 50 sen coins yo!!"
    Time for me to go stand in the rain and let the rage wash away. /emo/

  17. Put in 1st RM1 note... Doesn't accept... Put in another RM1 note... Doesn't accept again... Put in the 1st RM1 note again (coz i have no other RM1 note)... I accepts?? Can someone please explain its logic to me??

  18. This one sounds like the machine in 1U ._.

  19. one time, I saw a women top up for Touch 'n' Go by machine...but already state there there will be no changes given, but out of RM50...she just top up RM30 instead of RM50 and waiting for the changes -_-'

    pity her.

  20. fucking aytopay machine

  21. I remember seeing one guy's face when he paid a RM1 car park ticket with his RM10, really epic. And his first word to accompany that look, "SHIT."

  22. Had an experience yesterday..carpark charges rm1.00.
    I inserted rm5 note..balance came out rm1.00 only...wakakakahh..
    But asked cus.service n got my money back..phewww!!
    I know some may say it was only rm3 why make big a deal of it. Seriously..??

  23. at the very least bro~
    ....an atm machine didnt eat your card.
    And you'd have to survive the weekend to sort it out on monday~

  24. AHAHA. I totally read that in an autopay-machine voice! xD And it irks me that it pronounces "ringgit" as "ri-ngit" instead of "ring-git" (or maybe it's just the autopay machine in my place) >.<

    My experience was when the new bank notes were introduced (the plastic ones) and the machine couldn't really process them. Had to frantically search for a paper note and felt so PAISEH for holding up the line T.T

  25. Remember last time when RM1 coin no longer useable? My friend went for the machine after movie and insert RM10 notes on the last day night.. guess what... the changes is all in RM1 coins... and is already midnight...
