Monday, December 23, 2013

The Five Types Of Football Fans

Holy gosh I overslept big time today.

Hey everyone! How's everybody doing? Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is in the jolly holiday mood and shopping centers are now playing Chinese New Year songs.

But today's comic is nothing about those two because I got too distracted with another topic. Football. The season is on hold for the holidays but here is something for you avid footballers out there.

Which type of fan are you?
Have a great weekend ahead and have a Merry Christmas!

See you at my next book signing on the 28th and 29th December!


  1. Replies
    1. person who always change their favor only the wining team

    2. A kind of weed?? I think here it means it constantly change the team he/she supports... According to who is winning... Haha

    3. lalang = a kind of grass..when the wind blows left follows to the left..when the wind blow to the right it will follows to the right..same thing here =P

  2. Haha, the lalang thing is derived from the Malay proverb is it, like where the wind blows the lalang will follow...So far I witnessed more of The Manager :P in fact I'm one of then haha

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm so "The Manager". I believe the entire Rasta TTDI can here me scream instructions to the big screen, along with a carefully chosen set of curse words.

  5. Yeah... I am the last one... The Lalangers

  6. I guess I'm one kind of Bandwagon? Don't really follow, but when can, I'll follow the news. But I stick to disliking only two teams. Other teams are ok. lol

  7. I know a lot of bandwagons (girls) and ego strokers (guys) in my group of friends.

    Best part is when you ask the girls who is the most handsome player CURRENTLY in MU, they say Cristiano Ronaldo. ROFL!!

  8. I am bandwagon. definitely the same :D

  9. LOL.. don't blame us if we can enjoy football match for two reason; good games and Dzeko-Ibra-Casillas kind of things.

    -emo kind of fan-

  10. Bandwagon! Support MU only cos the boyfie does! xD But Christiano Ronaldo being in there too also helps ;)

  11. Hey bros all support MU?
