Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dancing For Ten Thousand Ringgit!

Hey, everyone! How is it going?

Long time no see!

Sorry that I haven’t been able to post anything new these days but if you were to follow me on my Facebook Page, you would know that I am currently finishing up my second book and it is near completion stage and hopefully it should be out by end July! This means I should be able to start posting comics regularly again starting next week!

Provided I don’t get too lazy.

Anyway, the other day I stumbled upon Daryl dancing. I know he likes dancing but he had this serious face going on as if he was going for some international dance competition finals. He always had this casual attitude when it comes to dancing but I’ve never seen him this serious before.

I had to ask him why.

He stood there and just watched. I remained motionless until he left.
He didn't. It was the most awkward thing ever.

I know I can’t dance to save my own life (much less win RM10k) so here is my alternative to my otherwise awfully painful dance moves.

When in doubt, let your cartoon do the dancing. That’s right.

They did provide some instructions for the moves though.

I couldn’t even put together furnitures from Sweden what more this.

So what are you waiting for? Get dancing and move your body as easy as 1, 2, 3 and stand a chance to win awesome prizes here!

Have a great week ahead!

*This is a sponsored post from Nestlé NESTUM® Malaysia that contains affiliate links relevant to the Nestlé NESTUM® More Cereal More Life Campaign. I received compensation in exchange for writing this review. Although this post is sponsored, all opinions are my own.


  1. Nice. I cant dance too... awkward max

  2. Good Luck in your second book, Ernest!! :)

  3. Heh. Furnitures from Sweden. Heh. Heh.


  4. More comics about Daryl, pleaseeee~ & of course more comic about you, too! =D
