Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Real Man of the Match

Hey everyone! It's Thursday and it's comic time!

What? Two days of comic back to back? That's right!

Also because I have no life.

Here's today's comic!

It was the longest wait for Jon. Ever.
This comic is dedicated to those who don't actually care about football but they get dragged out to watch the matches early in the morning anyways and some matches just don't freaking end.

So the World Cup is coming to a close and only two matches left. Throughout this entire season, I would say the best experience would have to be going out to the mamak to watch the matches live with friends at ungodly hours in the morning. However, some matches just go all the way from extra time to the penalty shootout and games like these delays our scheduled time to just go home and sleep. Especially on a weekday night, we would want the match to quickly end but such stubborn dedication from us to watch the match till it's over would not allow us to do so. But I've noticed that one in every five guys at the mamak don't actually care about the World Cup and they are the ones most desperate to go home but they couldn't because they love their friends too much.

Also mostly because they did not drive there.

These guys would just come to accompany their friends thinking it would just be a regular mamak session plus football on the side. Little did they know that some matches take forever to end and they end up waiting with the rest of us with they only difference that they are actually dying from boredom.

They are the real man of the match. A true bro indeed.

Two down! Two to go! Who will be the World Cup champion this year?

Have a great weekend ahead!


  1. Historically, Argentina have only won once, draw twice and lost three times to Germany/West Germany. May the odds be ever in your (Germany) favour.

  2. Dear Leon,

    Historically, Germany haven't beaten Brazil in a competitive match before the semi final trashing...

    Anything can happen in football, the ball is round.

  3. Just asking, but which team does Jon support?

  4. GERMANY FTW!!!!! :D

    p.s. I used to be one of those who can't wait for the match to end. Didn't understand it. But now, extra time means more chances for our teams to win! Penalty shoot outs means the FINAL chance!!!! :p
