Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Five Most Irritating Things People Do On Social Media

Just letting you know in advance that this is a sponsored post. Comic is still fun to read though.

Hey everyone! What’s up?

This post is up! That’s what’s up! Geddit? Geddit?

Oh god that was an irritating joke.

Speaking of irritating things, there are many irritating things that a person can do once they are on social media. I’ve been using social media for a good decade at least and I can say that not only it has made it easier for us to connect with each other but it has also made it easier for us to irritate one another as well.

For the past few years Ive noticed that there are a few things people do on social media that irritates the living daylights out of me.

Here are my top five most irritating ones.

I hate them all with equal passion.
Social media has been a part of our lives and I admit that some of us use it quite a lot especially the youth. We love social media and we enjoy using it but I believe that we could do much more with its power!

Instead of just doing irritating and pointless things over social media, we could definitely do more with social media.

So I stumbled upon this Facebook page and I found out a handful of awesome Malaysians have submitted their stories on the things they have done to build a better Malaysia with the power of technology. There is this one dude named Syafiq and he had made the effort to lead the younger generation to explore more about ICT by enhancing their current school-homework to be more interactive and innovative. He has conducted various ICT workshop series to the secondary school student in all over Malaysia. The idea is to equip them with any related set of ICT technical skills such Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Basic Coding like CSS, HTML5 that can convert into mobile apps in hopes to build young Malaysian technopreneurs in the future!

Other stories of social media savvy people on that page include, Ray, who works hard to create a better and more caring society by connecting donors with charity houses through the convenience of his 4Charity portal and Padja, who provides solution to the problem of unsold books and increase the total number of readers among the new generation by selling books via an online bookstore which provides digital previews of book and all of them are linked via a Facebook account

Holy snap! Even I’m not at their level of doing such things! Honestly I am pretty amazed! As the more techno savvy generation, perhaps it is time for us Malaysians to participate in this and be a part of the digital volunteerism community! Teach others to use basic software tools and lets us all be creators together!

Use social media effectively! #DoMoreLah4Malaysia!

Find out more on how to do more!:

Together we can make a difference in digital!

Have a great day ahead!


  1. They all exist! D:
    minus the first one, those are hardly done these days, but a lot are fishing for attention now

  2. the search for sara vee

  3. I agree with the Pirate King game request. SO IRRRITATING!!!! I dun even play that game!

    1. Same with me bro, they keep on sending it, spread like wildfires!!!!

    2. Pirate Kings:"It's all fun and games until your own friend attack or steal from you".

      You should try it.

  4. Annoyed by them all too! >.<
    And so cool, "technopreneurs" :D
