Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Four Seasons In Malaysia

Hey everyone! How's it going?

*cricket sounds*

Damn. I know it's been like 5000 years since I posted anything here. If you are still hanging around, I just want you to know that my love for you has no bounds.

I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything. Life just got a whole lot busier for me so there's that but an announcement is coming up soon and I hope there are still people reading this blog to see said announcement.

Anyway, there is this comic I've been wanting to draw for the longest time and I do not know what's holding me back but here it is. As a kid, I've always wanted to travel overseas to experience the four seasons, but then as I grew up, I noticed that the four seasons have always been here in Malaysia.

Still not the same though.
I still want to go overseas to experience the real four seasons. The one we have back here is kinda awful.

Also because Malaysians just love complaining.
To be honest, I have not seen real snow in my whole life.

Ringgit why you so weak. #poor #stuckinMalaysia

Have a great week ahead!


  1. hahaha I like the complains. When hot complain no rain, when rain complain always raining.

    1. hahah malaysian must complain. no complain meaning not malaysian enough

  2. The real snow is worse than rain :P

    1. really? but i just wanna experience at least once

  3. Thanks for the post tho. I never realize we have four season in Malaysia! XD

    1. lol i had this idea for 2 years d but thought it wouldnt be funny enough. glad everyone loves it!

  4. Thank you for posting this ! It's funny and true ! I've been waiting for a long millenia to read your comics ! :)

    1. a millenia? i have news for you ai.

      you are immortal.

  5. Alaaa Ernest.. Kenapa so long no upload? I mati waiting for new comic. I bacaing this in kubur le

  6. But haze take selfie nonid filter lorrr xp
