Friday, May 11, 2012


This is a sponsored post.

Good morning! How everyone is doing? Sorry for the unusual scheduling of my posting this week.

For the longest time, I want to get a new phone. I get jealous when I see everyone around me strutting around in their spanking new phones and even the kids nowadays use phones way more advanced and cooler than mine. That's because half the electronics I own are half broken.

It's time to look at my options.

So I was given the opportunity to review this lastest tech from Nokia, a brand that I am sure everyone is familiar with.

The Nokia Lumia 610. I'll let the cartoon explain this sweet gadgetry.

It's built tough as well.
The new Nokia Lumia 610. It even comes it four different colours!
Hence, self identity is always preserved.
So, seriously. Get your own.

Have a great weekend ahead!


  1. Will it break if it's dropped onto the floor? :P

    1. it's from Nokia, so most probably the floor will break :P

  2. hahhaha promote handphone bro? xD
    or just messing with jon

  3. well I think that the desktop layout of this Nokia Lumia is about dumbfound lol. Macam old HTC style pulak :X

  4. did nokia sponsored this post? did you get the phone?woah lucky if you get one. i use old nokia, as long i can make call and msg. it is fine to me. it was RM360 when i bought it 3years ago. hehe.

  5. all half broken was because of the bros is't? LOL!

  6. bUt but~ taking yours is better, and cheaper!!! :p


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