Thursday, January 3, 2013

What's Your New Year's Resolution?

Happy 2013 everyone!

Looks like this will be the first post of the brand spanking new year of 2013! And when it comes to the new year, everyone usually have their own set of resolutions that they try their best to keep. But sometimes, over the span of 365 days, we lose track and forget about them and get back to our usual old habits. Resolutions are hard to keep. Unless you are driven. Driven as in highly motivated not driven like a car kind.

I had a resolution this year. Today is only the third day of the new year and I have already broken it.

Here are the bro's resolutions that we really find it hard to keep.
What is your resolution this year that you are most likely to break?
Which resolution of yours that you can never seem to keep? Let me know in the comments below so that the bros don't feel like total shit. Seriously.

As a fail safe to my already low self esteem, the next person who asks me what my resolution is. This will be my answer:


Screen resolutions are the best.

Have a great year ahead!


  1. work out more ernest! you look weaker than me!

    *okay, tomorrow*

    1. T3T I know I am weak...
      ok la i will work out more.


  2. New Year resolution: pekchek more.


  3. HAHAHHA eat healthily and just two hours before new year, I went to Tesco to buy junk food to end the year with a bang...ahaha....failed even before it started..

    1. lol i guess a lot ppl failed even before new year started. but new years resolution is for the new year no? so if you break it before the new year i guess its still safe :)

  4. ahahaha among my many resolution last year, I achieved only one. LOL! come on laaa Ernest, go work out, you need a real tough, kick-ass trainer! ahaha

    1. I got kick ass trainer. his name is jon. and he is a brutal trainer.

  5. diet, exercise, and get a boyfriend. lol

  6. Post more comic per week. Can? XD we want moar!

  7. Ahaha, sweat! xD What's your resolution? "1920x1080"!!! hahaha
